Aplicación de la estrategia de andamiaje para mejorar las habilidades de la expresión oral en alumnos de décimo grado
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Introduction: Ecuador is one of the countries in Latin America with the lowest level of English, for this reason, many researches have been conducted to face this problem. Objectives: The present study explored the impact of applying the Scaffolding strategy for developing English as a foreign language focusing on speaking skills. Methodology: A quasi-experimental research was used. The participants were tenth-grade students of the "Unidad Educativa Belisario Quevedo" in Pujilí-Ecuador. The sampling method was non-probabilistic and intentional. The instrument was obtained from the oral expression section of the Cambridge PET exam (Preliminary English Test A2) functioning as a pre-test and post-test. Subsequently, the Scaffolding Strategy was applied to one group where students had fourteen class sessions with a structured procedure designed according to the stages of the already mentioned strategy. At the end of the study, all participants were evaluated through of a post-test to measure the effectiveness of the strategy. Results: The findings were highly satisfactory due to students’ speaking levels where the strategy was applied, significantly increased. Eventually, aspects like Grammar and Vocabulary, Pronunciation, and Interactive Communication were strengthened through the stages of the Scaffolding strategy. Conclusions: The results of this study support the use of the Scaffolding strategy in oral skills allowing students to comprehend more information and incorporate innovative ideas into their prior knowledge. The general area of study: Education. Specific area of study: English language learning.
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