The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the affective filter of EFL learners in an online classroom

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Ximena Patricia Rivera Gallardo
Janine Matts


Introduction: the integration of technology in language teaching, especially in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic caused the search for different pedagogical strategies. Due to this drastic change in education along with the rapid access to online resources have placed technology as the most important tool in teaching. Therefore, when planning a class, the teacher must consider digital tools and dynamic methodologies to streamline and motivate students to reduce their affective filter. Objective: the current research aims to determine the effectiveness of Kahoot in the reduction of the impact of the EFL students’ affective filter.  Methods: this study developed applied research with a mixed method approach and descriptive scope, with a quasi-experimental design. 42 students actively participated. For the data gathering, two main tools of data collection were used, namely a survey to look for information about the impact of students’ affective filter during the virtual classes and a pre and post-test based on reading comprehension to check the students’ English performance. Conclusions: the students are facing negative experiences in their learning of English because their affective filter is high. Besides, after the intervention phase with the use of Kahoot, the students improved their English performance in the reading comprehension skill. Therefore, it is suggested to continue sampling innovative technological resources to enhance students’ performance.


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Cómo citar
Rivera Gallardo, X. P., & Matts, J. (2021). The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the affective filter of EFL learners in an online classroom. ConcienciaDigital, 4(4.2), 42-59.


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