Analysis of the production system of the central oil production company

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José Carlos Aguila Pérez
Tomás Espinosa Achong
Elías Junco Galindo
Alexander Javier Ballagas Suárez


Introduction.  At present, thanks to the incessant work for the recovery of the economy, it is sought that each process is properly organized with the purpose of achieving greater effectiveness and efficiency and therefore an increase in productivity. Objective. The objectives that are pursued with the realization of this work are: Characterize the Oil Production Company of the Center by means of the application of the variables; Describe the crude oil treatment process at the Plant belonging to the Central Oil Production Company; Apply the General Problem-Solving Method when a fault occurs in the Varadero-Cárdenas pipeline. Methodology.  A characterization of the Crude Processing Plant is offered, which represents the area under study within the Company.  Together, the procedure and the tools that were used are presented. Results.  It is recommended to apply solutions such as: improving the preparation of the workers in charge of operating the Varadero-Cárdenas pipeline.  Apply the missing coating in a section of the duct; check more frequently the valves present in the pipeline on a weekly basis; make workers aware of the need to work correctly in the pipeline to avoid environmental contamination. Conclusion.  The main existing problems in the area that affect the health of workers and their performance in the company's production plan were detected.  The procedure used evidenced its convenient use to comply with the objectives set and allowed the preparation of a proposal for actions.


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How to Cite
Aguila Pérez, J. C., Espinosa Achong, T., Junco Galindo, E., & Ballagas Suárez, A. J. (2021). Analysis of the production system of the central oil production company. ConcienciaDigital, 4(4.2), 134-148.


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