Proposal for a tourism development plan in the municipality of Baracoa

Introduction: Tourism at an international and national level continues to increase, becoming an integral part of modern life. Various actors intervene in its practice and exercise and promote it as an instrument of local development. This involves developing an entire multidisciplinary process of organization, planning, control and direction using supply and demand study tools. Within these instruments used, tourism development plans provide an accurate methodology for valuing resources and their efficient use. The plan guides the appropriate actions to be carried out, in the short, medium and long term. Objective: The objective of this research is to design a tourism development plan in the municipality of Baracoa, Cuba. Methodology: The methodological trajectory used consisted of two phases: the diagnosis and the strategic planning of the territory. Among the information collection techniques that were applied were: unstructured interviews with local residents and several experts. The social network analysis tool was also applied: Facebook, YouTube and TripAdvisor, mostly. In addition, an inventory of resources was prepared that allowed knowledge of the tourism potential of the territory. Results: The research allowed the design of a tourism development plan based on strategies aimed at expanding the portfolio of products and services, involving the local population in the project, as well as promoting private investments and the assimilation of research and technology technologies. development. In addition, the plan includes the Sabores del Yunque proposal as a tourist-gastronomic offer that promotes local gastronomy and cultural traditions. Conclusion: The proposed plan promotes local and regional development by providing opportunities for economic growth, while encouraging the preservation of Baracoa's culture. General study area: tourism Specific study area: local development

Amanda Guanche Díaz , Alejandro Montesino Pérez, Isabel María Márquez Orta, Yoan Hernández Flores


Tourism supply chain and its projection in Cuba. A look from demand management.

In the tourism industry, research on the supply chain constitutes a competitive advantage, since it gives the possibility of knowing what the client wants and how to satisfy those needs. Consequently, one of the strategies of the tourism industry to increase said competitiveness is to achieve effective management in their supply chains. Specifically, knowing how to adequately manage and forecast tourist demand is a source of information that allows the economic actors involved in the activities, as well as the institutions in charge of the destination, to know their behavior and what their essential elements are, which allow them to make decisions at favor the growth and development of tourist destinations. In Cuba, tourist networks present innumerable deficiencies associated with correctly forecasting the behavior of the market. Therefore, the objective of the research was to project the tourism supply chain of the sector in the country through the identification, representation and definition of the economic entities that comprise it and the collaboration between each one of them; as well as the description and assessment of the involvement of these actors in the organization and management of the tourist demand, to face the critical problems of Cuba in this sense. The methods used were analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction, information search, semi-structured interviews, and expert criteria. The main result was the identification of the key factors that affect demand management in Cuba and the methods to forecast it.

María Fernanda Rodriguez Vázquez, Aliosky Camacho Rodríguez, Adrián Pérez Gonzáles, Luis Efraín Velasteguí López


Diagnosis of the social networks of the mintur accommodation business groups

Social networks are essential tools for interacting and establishing communications with customers, promoting products and services, as well as obtaining feedback and improving their experience. Companies in the tourism sector must constantly diagnose their presence on these platforms to improve their strategy and gain competitiveness, all based on the digital transformation that has taken place in recent years. This research shows a descriptive statistical diagnosis of the implementation of social networks of the MINTUR accommodation business groups, in order to identify opportunities for improvement that contribute to the improvement of their digital transformation. For the realization, the Social Status and Microsoft Excel tools were used. The main results obtained were that, in the period analyzed, Cubanacán was the business group with the most satisfactory results in terms of maintaining a constant presence and engaging followers, Gran Caribe did not manage to take full advantage or in the most effective way possible of the management of the use of their social networks and Campismo Popular and Islazul must work hard to improve the usability of social networks as part of their digital transformation due to the very low number of publications, engagement, popularity and other indicators that contribute to an adequate marketing strategy. marketing today and generate great interest from customers.

Emilio Enrique Guerra Castellón, Edgar Núñez Torres, Luis Efraín Velastegui López, José Gabriel Mena Guevara


Dolores Rondón at the concert of funerary legends and traditions.

The nineteenth-century cemeteries are part of the imaginary of the foundation of the first seven villas in the Island of Cuba, those that have been called Patrimonial Cemeteries, is more and more the nucleus of the tourism of cemeteries. The text that is presented, approaches the funerary patrimony in relation to the legends and traditions that are interwoven in these sites. It points out the possible uneasy relationship between cemetery tourism and funerary heritage, partly due to the unwillingness to directly associate visits to cemeteries with death. Poorly thought out cemetery tourism can undermine the tangible and intangible heritage of cemeteries. Many cemeteries are still in use and should therefore be considered as 'living heritage', and open-air museums. It is therefore understood that interpretation systems should communicate the various aspects of mortality as an element of the socio-cultural development of a community.  Highlighting the dynamics of funerary legends and traditions in a narrative framework that is little explored but must be highlighted. Safeguarding ethical values since, in the case of Cuba, many of our first cemeteries receive the human remains of its citizens.  This text proposes a look from the funerary legends that are interwoven in the popular imaginary and that are an attraction for Tourism.

Gricell Aurora Santana Sarduy, Martha Jane Gavaldá, Luis Efraín Velastegui López


Evaluation of artificial intelligence assistance in teaching work at the Digna María Beatriz Cerda Neto Educational Unit, Pujilí-Ecuador

Introduction. The gradual advancement and adoption of automation and artificial intelligence (AI) has driven significant changes across industries. The interdisciplinary nature of AI is far-reaching, as it has rapidly expanded with diverse applications in every sector such as medicine, education, networking, among others. Education professionals can benefit from the resources of AI, which promises to revolutionize everyday tasks. The global education landscape is transforming as it adapts to modern technologies such as AI, improving efficiency, productivity, and the quality of teaching. This is a study comparing AI tools for educators with the traditional method of doing teaching work activities in the educational institution, in which we aim to analyze job quality satisfaction. Using ANOVA analysis, the research. Objective: To demonstrate how the use of artificial intelligence can influence satisfaction with the quality of work evaluated by teachers in each of the activities of the teaching workday in an educational institution. To this end, analysis of variance (ANOVA) will be used to compare and analyze the data collected in both work environments, which will allow us to identify any significant differences between the methods. Methodology. The methodology used for this research was a questionnaire designed to assess the level of job satisfaction of artificial intelligence tools in digital environments to assist teachers in their work in an educational institution. This qualitative-quantitative study involved techniques and instruments for data collection and analysis, focusing on the teaching staff of the Educational Unit "Digna María Beatriz Cerda Neto" located in El Tingo, Pujilí Ecuador. The research, conducted in March 2024, was also inductive, starting from specific analyses to synthesize the research problem. AI tools such as Megaprofe and Magic School AI were used, the comparison between AI-assisted activities and traditional methods was analyzed using statistical methods such as ANOVA. The rating form was designed with 36 items. Minitab 18 software was used for statistical analysis. The research was descriptive and applicative, evaluating AI in the educational work context. Results. The educational activities within the institution assisted by AI show significant differences in teachers' satisfaction levels with 95% confidence are: recording grades, planning, meetings, coordination with other areas and finally supervision and control. However, tasks such as family support or career guidance show lower levels of satisfaction. Conclusion. Educators must stay abreast of AI capabilities for pedagogical improvement, task automation, and reduction of workload and work stress. Appropriate use of AI can streamline administrative tasks, but human intervention in AIs work remains crucial for personalized touch and quality assurance. Reliable Internet access in rural schools is crucial for effective utilization of AIs. Ensuring accessibility to AI tools, despite the costs, is essential for the professional development of Ecuadorian educators.

Braulio Antonio Jiménez Zambrano, Edith Karina Barreros Coque, Hugo Hernán Chacón Molina, Johana Tatiana Flores Quistial
