Proposal for a tourism development plan in the municipality of Baracoa

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Amanda Guanche Díaz
Alejandro Montesino Pérez
Isabel María Márquez Orta
Yoan Hernández Flores


Introduction: Tourism at an international and national level continues to increase, becoming an integral part of modern life. Various actors intervene in its practice and exercise and promote it as an instrument of local development. This involves developing an entire multidisciplinary process of organization, planning, control and direction using supply and demand study tools. Within these instruments used, tourism development plans provide an accurate methodology for valuing resources and their efficient use. The plan guides the appropriate actions to be carried out, in the short, medium and long term. Objective: The objective of this research is to design a tourism development plan in the municipality of Baracoa, Cuba. Methodology: The methodological trajectory used consisted of two phases: the diagnosis and the strategic planning of the territory. Among the information collection techniques that were applied were: unstructured interviews with local residents and several experts. The social network analysis tool was also applied: Facebook, YouTube and TripAdvisor, mostly. In addition, an inventory of resources was prepared that allowed knowledge of the tourism potential of the territory. Results: The research allowed the design of a tourism development plan based on strategies aimed at expanding the portfolio of products and services, involving the local population in the project, as well as promoting private investments and the assimilation of research and technology technologies. development. In addition, the plan includes the Sabores del Yunque proposal as a tourist-gastronomic offer that promotes local gastronomy and cultural traditions. Conclusion: The proposed plan promotes local and regional development by providing opportunities for economic growth, while encouraging the preservation of Baracoa's culture. General study area: tourism Specific study area: local development


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How to Cite
Guanche Díaz , A., Montesino Pérez, A., Márquez Orta, I. M., & Hernández Flores, Y. (2024). Proposal for a tourism development plan in the municipality of Baracoa . Explorador Digital, 8(2), 6-26.


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