Information literacy in the staff that works in the public library of Calceta

Introduction: Information literacy is an imperative need within institutions and labor and educational activities, which requires specific and well-structured training, so that it can be an effective tool within professional development. Objectives: To determine the level of informational literacy of the staff and directors who work in the Public Library of Calceta. Methodology: The methodology used for the development of this study the methodology used was descriptive with an operating model where the action is intended to obtain a response. In the same way, it is based on field research, of the interview and survey type, since it provides precise and specific information on the problem that is being studied, once the data was obtained and analyzed, it was possible to determine that a large part of the library staff is not able to identify the information needs of users, in the same way several of them do not know or manage the sources of information that currently exist. Results: As a result, it was possible to achieve that the library staff needs training and education in information literacy. Conclusions: This research highlights the urgent need for library staff to have constant training on topics of interest, and that will be reflected in the level of user satisfaction, and in the construction of an information literate society.

Olga Lucia Avellan Delgado, María de los Ángeles Ormaza Pincay


Applications of the Weibull distribution in the study of reliability

Introduction: To solve many problems in the field of maintenance management and Reliability in Physical Assets is solved by analyzing data through statistical processes, one of these applications is the Distribution of Weibull. Objective: The present study aims to quote some of the Weibull distribution applications and its use in the field of reliability. Applying the Weibull distribution versatility, the calculation model of the reliability estimators for repairable and non-repairable equipment is presented, therefore the method of least squares is used, considering the Weibull bi-parametric equation. Methodology: A sample of 119 failures of forty generator sets of the same mark was used, the steps for calculating the distribution parameters with the method of least squares using Excel software are clearly described, the probability density functions, cumulative failure probability, survival, and instantaneous failure rate were plotted, finally several test times were evaluated to demonstrate future estimates of reliability. As a second application of resolving the time of the Reliability equation R(t) it is possible to obtain for a certain failure mode the change frequency time of a replaceable asset after the occurrence of a failure.  The third application is the third parameter of the Weibull distribution determination  with a graphical method, for which a sample of 130 failures was taken, data grouping was initially used through the class ranges defined in a frequency history, then random values ​​​​close to the first fault were selected to test them by contrasting data between the last data of each class range with each of the estimated data, when graphing them, it is determined which of them best approximates a straight line. Result: three applications were obtained where the Weibull distribution is applied, different databases were used for the analysis of each case. Conclusions: The Weibull distribution is very adaptable, it can cover other distributions such as exponential and normal distributions, it can also work whit little or a lot of data, based on its multiple applications have been developed in the field of Reliability.

César Marcelo Gallegos Londoño, Félix Antonio García Mora, Fausto Ulpiano Caicedo Benavides


Improvement of the extraction rate of red oil in the

Introduction: Extraction companies oversee extracting as much oil as possible from oil palm bunches and producing high quality oil. Objective: This study is called Improvement of the extraction rate of red oil in the Extractor "Atahualpa" Extracata S.A. The objective is to improve the extraction rate of red oil by evaluating the raw material and the processes. Methodology: Using the Soxhlet extraction method, the oil potential of four varieties of oil palm clusters and the oil losses in the extraction plant was evaluated. Using the centrifugation method, the dilution percentage of the press liquor was determined in the pressing-digestion and clarification process. In addition, the temperature of the digesters, the water tank that feeds the presses and the press liquor was recorded before entering the Tricanter. To identify the operating conditions in the sterilization process, the number of autoclaves processed was recorded. holding pressure and cooking time. Results: For the statistical analysis of the four varieties of clusters, the Tukey test was performed, resulting in a significant difference between the Taisha variety and E. guineensis. According to the mass balance, greater oil losses were recorded during the first month. Conclusion: Concerning the raw material, the bunches of E. guineensis produce a greater quantity of oil. Best results were produced when the bunches are sterilized at 45 psi for 50 min and the temperature conditions of the water tank and press liquor digesters are at 95 degrees Celsius.

Jefferson Geovanny Navarro Alcívar, Luis Santiago Carrera Almendáriz, Ana Gabriela Flores Huilcapi


Early mobilization in patients with mechanical ventilation infected by COVID-19

Patients infected with COVID-19 disease who require mechanical ventilation have a high mortality and use of resources. The ability to predict and issue clinical criteria in which patients may require mechanical ventilation will allow greater acuity of targeted care and intervention to potentially mitigate deterioration of their physiology. Objective: To examine through the review of the scientific literature on early mobilization in patients with mechanical ventilation infected with COVID-19. Methodology: A bibliographical analysis of the literature in different scientific journals such as SCOPUS, WEB OF SCIENCE and PUBMED was conducted under a narrative, interpretive and conceptual synthesis approach. Therefore, key terms in English and Spanish were used, such as: "patients infected with covid-19", "infected mechanically ventilated patients", "critical care medicine", "mechanical ventilation". The bibliographic sources were established from 2019 to 2021. Results: The existence of medical, logistical and protection challenges for medical personnel to provide respiratory support in patients infected with COVID-19 is demonstrated, from epidemiology to clinical characteristics, and the development of pharmacological treatments that improve mortality and survival. Conclusion: An integrated therapeutic approach is essential to mitigate the adverse physical and mental health effects of COVID-19 pneumonia.

Eduardo Israel Torres Criollo, Johanna Priscila Ávila Vinueza, María Alejandra Ortega Barco


Mejorar el conocimiento de los profesores sobre lenguaje y pedagogía a través de entradas en espiral

Introduction. Language teacher education has been both a concern and priority for the Ecuadorian Government for the past decade. One of the initiatives implemented was the Go Teacher programmed, an intervention aimed at helping teachers improve their language – command of – and teaching skills. However, there is a gap between what was expected from selected candidates before and after their immersion programmed. Results were varied, and there is still a complication when it comes to determining if such initiatives have been effective. Objective. To design a set of teacher training sessions based on Kolb’s Experiential Learning (1984) and Woodward’s loop-input (2003), considering a component of pedagogical content. Methodology. A literature review was performed, considering works on experiential learning, loop-input, and teachers’ perceptions on their own level of language proficiency. Results. A set of workshops based on loop-input for teacher development is proposed; experiential learning is a key component of each workshop. Conclusions. Interventions designed for teachers to improve both their knowledge of and about a language, as well as their pedagogical knowledge, should include experience-based activities given the fact that this would allow them to gain more insights about their area of practice and, at the same time, their level of competence in the language.

Diana Carolina Campaña Días, Stalyn Alejandro Ávila Herrera, Sandra Paulina Porras Pumalema, David Antonio Ureña Lara


Gamification: strategy that motivates learning in virtual environments for high school children

Introduction. Due to the global pandemic situation that is going through, it is considered to apply gamification as a learning process in virtual environments, since the game is introduced in the educational field, which is why the work game is the methodology that is used in early ages to achieve significant experiences and at the same time improve teaching practice, as an Objective. of this research is to implement gamification for the development of motivation to learn in virtual environments of children at the preparatory level of the "Salcedo" Educational Unit. Methodology. In this virtue, the research is based on the quantitative modality, with a descriptive and explanatory scope, starting from the analysis of data collected to explain the characteristics and properties of the study group. The method to be used is at the theoretical level: analysis and synthesis, hypothetical deductive and at the empirical level: direct observation (zoom) of five-year-old children and online survey of their representatives. Results As results, the reliability of the instrument was obtained with a Cronbach's alpha of .810, and in the normality evaluate a value of 0.00, which rejects the null hypothesis and accepts the alternate hypothesis in a highly significant way. Conclusions It can be concluded that the application of gamification if I motivate the student to have a significant learning in a reduced time.

Jessica Alexandra Quingaluisa Sasintuña, Liliana del Rocío Mena Hernández


Factors that impact the organizational culture of a University Academic Unit. Cuenca, Ecuador

Introduction. This result article is based on the research problem identified as the inefficiency of internal communication and leadership processes in the organizational culture and the consequent impacts on it that are reflected in low productivity. Objective. Determine the factors that positively impact the organizational culture of a University Academic Unit in Cuenca, Ecuador. Methodology. The applied method is the scientific one, the research is of a quantitative type, with an exploratory, descriptive and correlational scope. The study subjects are teachers and administrators of a University Academic Unit. The information is collected with census criteria. The measurement instrument is a questionnaire validated by judges' criteria and with reliability through Cronbach's Alpha coefficient of 0.959 for the general scale. Results. It is found that, at a bilateral significance level of less than 0.05 of the p-value, the research variables Prom_Internal Communication (0.789**) and Prom_Transformational Leadership (0.778**) are linearly correlated with the dependent variable Prom_ Organizational Culture. Conclusion. It is possible to develop improvement strategies in the organizational culture by incorporating innovation strategies in internal communication and transformational leadership.

Ana Luisa Guijarro Cordero, Juan Bautista Solis Muñoz


COVID 19: Effects on tourism and reactivation strategies in the Quilotoa lagoon

Introduction: Tourism is one of the clearly essential sectors in the socioeconomic development of various segments of the population, and which, in turn, had a significant impact in times of pandemic since it was identified as one of the most economic activities. affected, this includes the low tourism in the Quilotoa lagoon, in the Pujilí canton, Cotopaxi province. Objective: Analyze the effects of COVID-19 on tourism and tourism reactivation strategies in the Quilotoa lagoon sector, which allow contributing to socioeconomic development. Methodology: A methodology was proposed with a quantitative approach research design, non-experimental and cross-sectional, descriptive level, and basic research modality, with the development of the inductive method. In addition, data was collected through the application of a survey made up of dichotomous questions addressed to a sample of 377 national tourists who arrive at this tourist site on weekends; For this, a Cronbach's Alpha reliability validation and an Aiken's V validation test are conducted to determine the consistency and effectiveness of the instrument. Results: From the application the survey was obtained as results that determined that most participants are female who remain single with third level studies; mostly originating from the sierra region. Likewise, strategies divided into four segments were evidenced, such as Social, Economic, Digital and Relationship with the ecosystem that will allow the reactivation of the Quilotoa lagoon. Conclusions: It was concluded that, given the need to mobilize tourism again in the Quilotoa lagoon, it is necessary to establish strategies that allow the area to be reactivated.

María Elena Chiliquinga Quintana, Edwin Cesar Santamaria Díaz


Retrospective view of animal cancer

Introduction. Animal cancer and its development throughout the time has showed a significant difference among yesterday, today, and tomorrow, whose transversal axis seeks to extend and improve pet’s quality life Objective. this is why this research aims to elaborate a bibliography retrospective view of well recognized authors, about animal cancer and its several meanings, which main objective is to contribute with a theoretical well founded baseline to build new knowledge and at the same time to motivate and induce the discovery of new parameters able to diagnose the current patient situation to propose new therapeutic options since it is well- known that nowadays there are treatments or protocols oriented to recovery, keep or extend well-being of the cancer pet or to make a final decision such as euthanasia with the participation of all parts involved the veterinary doctor and the pet owner. Methodology. Used was inductive since it starts from general facts to achieve conclusions with a qualitative approach of a documentary type and bibliographic review. Results: At the end of the bibliographic analysis, it is determined that there are several nationally and internationally renowned authors dedicated to the fascinating study of animal cancer and whose thoughts, criteria, analysis, proposals are consolidated in this document called "Retrospective view of animal cancer"; whose purpose is synthesized in improving the quality of life of cancer patients, reducing their convalescence and suffering when opting for traditional treatments, adjuvants or euthanasia Conclusions: Finally, it is concluded that there are not many studies of animal cancer compared to human cancer and that, on the contrary, in ancient times these treatments were adapted to the needs of pets, we must consider the advances in science and technology proposes the practice of various types of traditional treatments all aimed at improving and protecting the life of pets, considered as one more member of the family with their own rights and not as a simple animal; Thus, with this bibliographic compilation, it is intended to contribute to the development of new research in search of improving the quality of life of cancer patients and their families.

Alexandra Elizabeth Lara Pérez, Edy Paul Castillo Hidalgo


Quality of the academic process and the satisfaction of its actors, case of graduates in the Marketing Career of the UEB

Introduction. The article argues that the COVID-19 pandemic has had an unprecedented impact on higher education, affecting everyday life and the functioning of academic and administrative activities. In this context, a case study is conducted at Bolívar State University to establish the correlation between the quality of the academic process and the satisfaction of graduates in the Marketing program, through the dimensions of relevance and learning, significance and communication, and effectiveness and administrative management. The goal is to establish strategies that ensure satisfaction in the quality of academic processes. Objective. The purpose of this research is to determine the correlation between the quality of the academic process and the satisfaction of graduates from the Marketing program at Bolívar State University (UEB) during the period from November 2021 to March 2022. Analytical dimensions will be established covering relevance and learning, significance, and communication, as well as effectiveness and administrative management of said program at UEB. Methodology. A descriptive and cross-sectional correlational study is conducted, using a survey-type evaluative questionnaire validated by expert educators. For the analysis, the Cronbach's Alpha coefficient based on standardized items is employed, as well as the Spearman's Rho statistic. Results. A positive correlation of medium magnitude was found, involving 80% of the graduates and degree-seeking students from the Marketing program at Bolívar State University between academic quality and graduate satisfaction in Marketing, emphasizing the importance of maintaining educational excellence. Bolívar State University demonstrated resilience by successfully adapting to virtual education during the pandemic. Effective communication and efficient administrative management were key factors in the educational experience. Conclusion. The study highlights Bolívar State University's successful adaptation to virtual education during the COVID-19 pandemic, demonstrating a consistent learning curve and minimizing adaptation challenges. Additionally, a positive and significant correlation was found between the quality of the academic process and graduate satisfaction in the Marketing program, underscoring the importance of maintaining educational excellence. Effective institutional and program-level communication plays a crucial role in student satisfaction, and efficient administrative management has been a key factor in the educational experience. These results indicate a positive trajectory, but continued investment in improving educational quality is recommended to maintain elevated levels of satisfaction and institutional excellence.

Christian Fernando Barragán Quizhpe, Paola Estefanía Albán Trujillo, Patricia de Lourdes León Monar, Fidel Alberto Castro Berio
