Methodological strategies based on the method of reading schools for the treatment of interests between the Spanish and Kichwa language in third-year E.G.B students of the CECIB Sergio Núñez

Methodological strategies based on the reading school’s method for the treatment of linguistic interferences between the Kichwa language and Spanish constitute a permanent challenge. Objective: Socialize a methodological strategy, based on the reading school’s method, for the treatment of interferences between the Spanish and Kichwa language of the third year EGB of the CECIB “Sergio Núñez.” Methodology: The research focuses on the mixed approach, because quantitative and qualitative methods are systematically integrated in a single study, in addition, we work with human groups seeking change and transformation, according to the critical-propositive paradigm, which enables the generation of constructivist learning. It is projected quantitatively because it corresponds to an integrated study that proposes a proposal regarding the reading and writing processes, focused on the reduction of linguistic interferences between the Spanish and Kichwa languages. Results: The object of study being the treatment of linguistic interferences between the Spanish and Kichwa languages, it can be established that the proposed methodological strategy based on the reading schools method allows: Better understanding the linguistic reality of Ecuador, since it provides a Theoretical and methodological framework to study the interference of Kichwa in Ecuadorian Spanish. Contribute to the teaching of Spanish as a second language and can be used to design teaching materials and activities that consider the interference of Kichwa. Promote the use of Kichwa, which contributes to strengthening the use of an Indigenous language in Ecuadorian society. Conclusions: The implementation of a methodological strategy based on the reading schools method, with systematic application in rural bilingual schools in Ecuador, can be a pedagogical and didactic solution of great value, as this research demonstrates, through the consultation of specialists in which the professionals involved have given their vote in favor, due to the relevance and feasibility of the scientific result. General Study Area: Education. Specific area of ​​study: Elementary Sublevel – Language Literature. Type of study: Original articles.

Luis Fernando Suntasig Ronquillo, Wendy Judith Suntasig Calvopiña, Yadyra de la Caridad Piñera Concepción, Roger Martínez Isaac


Dichotomy between theory and practice in teaching-learning in the technical area of agriculture in the technical baccalaureate

Introduction: This research evaluated the effectiveness of innovative pedagogical strategies to reduce the gap between theory and practice in agricultural technical education. Objectives: To evaluate the perception and experience of students and teachers regarding the integration of theory and practice in their academic planning, and to measure the effectiveness of pedagogical strategies used to improve this integration. Methodology: Using surveys applied to teachers and students, the results showed that, although teachers value these strategies positively, students have a more neutral perception. Teachers perceive that practical projects, workshops and simulations can significantly improve the integration of theory and practice. Results: However, students indicate that the implementation of these strategies would not be as effective as expected, highlighting the need for adjustments to maximize their impact. Lack of resources and materials, lack of teacher training, and the disconnect between theoretical and practical content were identified as the main barriers to the effective integration of theory and practice. Conclusions: The implementation of the ERCA model (Experience, Reflection, Conceptualization, Application) and the use of ICT are proposed as key methodologies to improve the integration of theory and practice. This approach seeks not only to improve the understanding and application of knowledge, but also to prepare students in a comprehensive way for their insertion into the labor field, aligning with the needs and challenges of the agricultural sector.

Mario Iván Calvache Simbaña, Lucia Marlene Robles Robles, Ramón Guzmán Hernández


Job Stress in Ecuadorian Teachers: Factors, Symptoms and Mitigation Strategies

Introduction: Occupational stress is a significant issue that negatively affects the health and professional performance of teachers, who are particularly vulnerable due to their numerous responsibilities. Methodology: This study, based on a prior bibliographic analysis, utilises two comprehensive surveys to investigate both the factors and symptoms of occupational stress as well as the mitigation strategies employed by experienced teachers. Development: The data, analysed using advanced statistical methods with IBM SPSS, reveal significant patterns and provide a deep understanding of the phenomenon. Results: The results, interpreted within the Ecuadorian educational context, aim to contribute to the formulation of policies that improve teachers' health and well-being, promoting a healthier and more productive work environment. Conclusions: The critical areas of occupational stress for teachers are workload, classroom conditions, and relationships with parents. The results show that teachers frequently experience stress in these areas, although there are significant variations between individuals. Strategies to mitigate stress include emotional support, regular physical exercise, and improvements in communication and administrative policies within the institution.

Ruth Guadalupe Herrera Soria, Gladys Mercedes Trávez Osorio, Sonia Verónica Cangui Basantes, Braulio Antonio Jiménez Zambrano


Quantitative and qualitative evaluation of the impact of artificial intelligence on satisfaction, efficiency, time management, and reduction of work-related stress in the on-site and off-site workday of ecuadorian teachers

Introduction: This study reveals the impact of artificial intelligence (AI) on each activity of the teaching workday, both in-person and remotely, in terms of improving satisfaction, efficiency, time management, work quality, and reducing teachers' work-related stress. The results show favorable outcomes for AI assistance compared to traditional methods. This study highlights the significance of AI in education, aligning with Ecuadorian educational legislation. Methodology: This study uses surveys and statistical analyses to evaluate the effectiveness of traditional and AI-assisted methods for each activity in the teaching workday, both in-person and remotely, in Ecuador. ANOVA and Tukey tests were used, along with statistical analysis based on percentages and qualitative analysis of the questionnaire responses. The educational AI platforms MagicSchool AI and Megaprofe were fundamental to this analysis. Development: The teaching workday in Ecuador, regulated by the LOEI, is divided into activities inside and outside the school. This study quantitatively and qualitatively analyzes each activity in the second section. An ANOVA and Tukey approach was used to compare traditional and AI-assisted methods, revealing improvements in satisfaction, efficiency, work quality, and stress reduction with AI. The sample includes 20 teachers from various regions and educational institutions in Ecuador, ensuring an objective representation of their work reality. Results and Analysis: The assistance of educational AIs, MagicSchool AI and Megaprofe, was statistically significant for each activity in the teaching workday, both in-person and remotely, in terms of satisfaction, efficiency, work quality, and qualitatively from the teachers' perspective, indicating a reduction in stress using AIs. Conclusions: The assistance of educational AIs significantly improves the satisfaction, efficiency, and work quality of teachers' workdays outside the school. Additionally, qualitatively, teachers perceive a notable reduction in stress when using these tools.

Nancy Orlheni Nacimba Rivera, Gladys Mercedes Trávez Osorio, Alex Santiago Moreno Corrales, Braulio Antonio Jiménez Zambrano
