Quantitative and qualitative evaluation of the impact of artificial intelligence on satisfaction, efficiency, time management, and reduction of work-related stress in the on-site and off-site workday of ecuadorian teachers
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Introduction: This study reveals the impact of artificial intelligence (AI) on each activity of the teaching workday, both in-person and remotely, in terms of improving satisfaction, efficiency, time management, work quality, and reducing teachers' work-related stress. The results show favorable outcomes for AI assistance compared to traditional methods. This study highlights the significance of AI in education, aligning with Ecuadorian educational legislation. Methodology: This study uses surveys and statistical analyses to evaluate the effectiveness of traditional and AI-assisted methods for each activity in the teaching workday, both in-person and remotely, in Ecuador. ANOVA and Tukey tests were used, along with statistical analysis based on percentages and qualitative analysis of the questionnaire responses. The educational AI platforms MagicSchool AI and Megaprofe were fundamental to this analysis. Development: The teaching workday in Ecuador, regulated by the LOEI, is divided into activities inside and outside the school. This study quantitatively and qualitatively analyzes each activity in the second section. An ANOVA and Tukey approach was used to compare traditional and AI-assisted methods, revealing improvements in satisfaction, efficiency, work quality, and stress reduction with AI. The sample includes 20 teachers from various regions and educational institutions in Ecuador, ensuring an objective representation of their work reality. Results and Analysis: The assistance of educational AIs, MagicSchool AI and Megaprofe, was statistically significant for each activity in the teaching workday, both in-person and remotely, in terms of satisfaction, efficiency, work quality, and qualitatively from the teachers' perspective, indicating a reduction in stress using AIs. Conclusions: The assistance of educational AIs significantly improves the satisfaction, efficiency, and work quality of teachers' workdays outside the school. Additionally, qualitatively, teachers perceive a notable reduction in stress when using these tools.
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