Transversal impact of gamification in the teaching-learning process at different educational levels and teaching experience
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Introduction. In the era of the Internet of Things, gamification emerges as a crucial strategy in education. This study investigates how gamification influences the teaching-learning process across various educational levels and contexts. It examines whether the educational sublevel and teaching experience affect the perception and effectiveness of gamification, using a methodological approach that combines data collection, statistical analysis, and programming to answer key questions about its educational impact. Objective. To evaluate whether the educational sublevel and years of teaching experience influence the perceived impact of gamification on the teaching-learning process. Methodology. A survey was conducted across various educational institutions to collect data on the perception and impact of gamification. The methodology includes non-parametric statistical analysis, using the Kruskal-Wallis test, to evaluate differences in the perceived impact based on teaching experience and educational level. Results. The results of the Kruskal-Wallis test indicate that there are no significant differences in the impact of gamification across different educational sublevels, as the p-value of 0.32 exceeds the significance threshold. Similarly, variation in teachers' years of experience did not show a significant effect on the effectiveness of gamification, with a p-value greater than 0.05. Conclusion. Gamification can be applied uniformly, regardless of the students' educational level or the teaching experience. It is worth noting the review of considerations in each case.
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