Dichotomy between theory and practice in teaching-learning in the technical area of agriculture in the technical baccalaureate
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Introduction: This research evaluated the effectiveness of innovative pedagogical strategies to reduce the gap between theory and practice in agricultural technical education. Objectives: To evaluate the perception and experience of students and teachers regarding the integration of theory and practice in their academic planning, and to measure the effectiveness of pedagogical strategies used to improve this integration. Methodology: Using surveys applied to teachers and students, the results showed that, although teachers value these strategies positively, students have a more neutral perception. Teachers perceive that practical projects, workshops and simulations can significantly improve the integration of theory and practice. Results: However, students indicate that the implementation of these strategies would not be as effective as expected, highlighting the need for adjustments to maximize their impact. Lack of resources and materials, lack of teacher training, and the disconnect between theoretical and practical content were identified as the main barriers to the effective integration of theory and practice. Conclusions: The implementation of the ERCA model (Experience, Reflection, Conceptualization, Application) and the use of ICT are proposed as key methodologies to improve the integration of theory and practice. This approach seeks not only to improve the understanding and application of knowledge, but also to prepare students in a comprehensive way for their insertion into the labor field, aligning with the needs and challenges of the agricultural sector.
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