Theoretical aspects on the internal communication in tourist facilities

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Yulima D. Bencomo Valdés
Reymer Sánchez Alberich
Luis Efraín Velasteguí López
Yolanda Tatiana Carrasco Ruano


The current panorama of the tourism in Cuba is characterized by constant changes to be adapted to the demand and power to elevate the levels of tourist arrivals and revenues, The case of tourist facilities in the country is not unaware to the previous context and the situation for which crosses it is characterized to face external and internal challenges related to the marked seasonality, difficulties in the financing search for the impact of the economic seizure of United States toward Cuba, difficulties in the supply and difficulties in the maintenance of the infrastructure and the current epidemic situation for which is crossed demand an administration that he/she responds to maintain a favorable commercial activity for the installation. The given last months the interruptions and ceasing of the labor activities in the restaurants, he/she has been able to perceive certain irregularities to reunify the employees and to create an atmosphere of solidary and sure work that you/they allow the attainment of the managerial objectives. With the result that the objective of the investigation is to describe the theoretical aspects on the internal communication in tourist facilities. Methods of the theoretical level were applied that allowed to determine the historical antecedents and to systematize the relating ones as for strategy and internal communication taking like reference the tourist facilities in Cuba.


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How to Cite
Bencomo Valdés, Y. D., Sánchez Alberich, R., Velasteguí López, L. E., & Carrasco Ruano, Y. T. (2022). Theoretical aspects on the internal communication in tourist facilities. Explorador Digital, 6(2), 59-74.


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