Gamification as a methodological teaching strategy in the Biochemistry and Pharmacy Career

The modern era has generated advances with great changes in all fields. Therefore, the educational field must also be modernized. However, the Covid-19 pandemic and with it, the little relationship between traditional education and the virtual educational modality showed shortcomings and an abysmal gap between what the teacher should teach in their classes and what the student needs to learn. Therefore, it is necessary to introduce new methodological strategies to encourage the student to learn. As stated above, gamification can be one of these methodological strategies and allow not only motivation in the student to learn, but also a better approach and relationship with the teacher and collaborative work, mainly in the case of subjects that can be monotonous during class time, improving their academic performance. On the other hand, it is necessary to verify the level of acceptability of the teacher to use playful games as part of their strategies during teaching. The research sought to analyze gamification as a methodological strategy to be applied by teachers of the Biochemistry and Pharmacy major at Universidad Católica de Cuenca, through an analysis with a quantitative approach. We worked with a survey to all the teachers of the career about their perception regarding the use, planning and satisfaction in the use of Gamification. From the results obtained, the level of knowledge and acceptability of gamification as a methodological strategy in the career was analyzed.

Sandra Denisse Arteaga Sarmiento, Juan Carlos Erazo Alvarez


Flipped classroom as a methodological strategy for teaching Semiology in the Dentistry career

In general, terms, the flipped classroom or Flipped Classroom is an active methodology in which the student learns at home through videos made and sent by the teacher with the proper use of ICT, promoting a greater role for the student. The objective of this research is to analyze how the use of the flipped classroom contributed to the learning of third-cycle semiology students in the dentistry career. That is why this research is based on a qualitative and quantitative approach of descriptive scope through the application of an observation sheet made to a group of 15 students, in which the categories of knowledge, motivation and time were included. Observing their reactions regarding the applied methodology. Among the results obtained, the motivation in the student stands out, as he understands the concepts better than in a traditional class. Finally, it was concluded that the application of the flipped classroom in higher education is relevant and necessary to improve student learning, contributing to a better understanding of concepts with a more cooperative attitude, since they review the material prior to meeting in the classroom; therefore, the level and academic performance improves.

Gabriela Alejandra Ortega Castro, Nelson Cristóbal Reascos Vallejo, Cristián Andrés Erazo Álvarez


Proposal of strategic marketing actions for the Sports-Recreational Center "Habana Golf Club"

Strategic marketing actions not only allow you to create directional guidelines in the commercial planning of a company, but also favor its strategic planning. Marketing currently performs an essential work in the business sector and is applied more and more in tourism companies, considering that for the service industry, the intangibility of the product is very important when it comes to satisfying the customer. This research started from the need that exists in the Recreational-Sports Center “Habana Golf Club” to create marketing actions that contribute to the commercial planning of the center. Therefore, the development of strategic marketing actions was determined as the main objective. For this, a theoretical-methodological analysis of the subject and an external and internal characterization of the organization were carried out, which allowed, with the application of strategic tools such as the cross-impact matrix, to determine its current situation and to propose the necessary marketing actions in the installation through the methodology applied by Antoni Serra in his book Marketing Turístico. Techniques and procedures such as semi-structured interviews and direct scientific observation were used. During the development of the proposed phases, objectives and strategic lines of action were defined and their implementation, through the design of an action plan in the final phase of the chosen methodology.

Yanela González González , Amanda Menéndez Arrué, Luis Efraín Velastegui López


Business Plan Proposal for a Cycle Tourism Services Entrepreneurship in Artemisa

Entrepreneurship is positioned as relevant element in the tourism sector, due to its ability to create creative and innovative products. On an international scale, cycling tourism is a rapidly growing activity, which is why it is a trend in the development of projects of an entrepreneurial nature. The objective of this research is to propose a business plan for a cycle tourism services venture in Artemisa, Cuba. The proposed business idea was developed under the methodology of the Canvas model, where the use of different scientific methods both theoretical and empirical, allowed the collection, processing and analysis of bibliographic information regarding the demand for the proposed undertaking and the environment, as well as information statistics resulting from the processing of the applied questionnaires. As the main result of the investigation, the proposal of the Artemisa Ride´s Bike enterprise stands out, which is projected as a business that seeks to approach the historical, cultural and natural heritage of Artemisa, strengthened in the practice of cycling activity. Likewise, the target demand segment of the enterprise and the characteristics and preferences that typify it were determined, which constituted the basis for the definition of the elements that make up the Canvas methodology. Finally, it was shown that the company is feasible from a qualitative and quantitative point of view; this way it has an optimal projection for its implementation.

Inara Esther Márquez Hernández, Frandiel Alonso Remedios , Thalía Rodríguez Deler, Luis Efraín Velastegui López
