Curricular Adaptations for the Inclusion of Students with Autism Spectrum Disorders in Physical Education

The inclusion of students with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) in the Physical Education class is an ongoing challenge. Objective: To propose a system of curricular adaptations to improve the process of inclusion of students with ASD in the Physical Education class. Methodology: The research followed a qualitative approach, based on classroom action research, including four stages. The study sample was selected intentionally, following the inclusion criteria established for the research, resulting in two cases of students with ASD as a direct unit of analysis. For the collection of information, the following techniques were used: interview, class observation and diary of emotions, which facilitated the collection of important information about the diagnosis, needs and abilities of students with ASD, observing the process of inclusion within the Physical Education class and knowing the students' feelings about inclusion. For the validation of the proposal, the socialization workshop and the pedagogical experience were used. Results: 1. It is possible to provide a system of curricular adaptations that promotes the inclusion of students with ASD in the Physical Education class. 2. A valuable didactic tool is provided containing concrete strategies and specific curricular adaptations that facilitate the pedagogical praxis related to inclusion. 3. It contributes significantly to the theoretical-practical enrichment related to the inclusion of students with ASD in the context of Inclusive Physical Education. Conclusions: The research is novel, pertinent and feasible. It proposes solutions adapted to the needs of students with ASD, allowing their needs and challenges to be identified. The characteristics of the proposal and its successful implementation in two case studies support its feasibility and applicability in a broader educational context.

Jenniffer Bernal Alvaro, Cruz Nefertite Pilaloa Rivera, Giceya de la Caridad Maqueira Caraballo


Presidential campaign in Ecuador 2023 driven by the TikTok virtual community and educommunication perspective

Introduction: Political communication is being adapted to social networks and specifically to the TikTok style, integrating a two-way communication approach, as well as the implementation of strategies with high user segmentation, which reflects the evolution in the way that digital policy is developed in Ecuador. Objectives: Analyze the factors that have contributed to the success of Daniel Noboa's political campaign on TikTok as a second-round candidate for the presidency of Ecuador in 2023. Methodology: The methodology presents a mixed approach, using surveys. A sample that represents digital communication experts from the central zone of Ecuador. Results: Among the most relevant results are observed in the strategy, using BTL public spaces, challenges conducted by influencers, creation of concise and fun audiovisual content, interaction, the TikTok algorithm, direct communication, and the need to media literacy for responsible consumption and dissemination. Conclusions: The most crucial factor in the strategy is the emotional connection with the audience in which it is executed through the recruitment, interaction, and loyalty of voting users to achieve political objectives. But from the perspective of educommunication, it is necessary to develop skills for the consumption of content and responsible dissemination on social networks. General area of study: Social Sciences. Specific area of study: Political digital communication.

Luis Viñan Carrasco , Myriam Murillo Naranjo, Pablo Méndez Naranjo , María Mora Lara


Evaluation of psychosocial risks in prison security agents: Turi social rehabilitation center

Introduction: The article presents an analysis of psychosocial risks in penitentiary agents, being an aspect of vital importance in the management of penitentiary centers, since these professionals face unique challenges that can have a significant impact on their psychological well-being and emotional. This issue takes on particular importance in a context where attention to the mental and emotional health of workers is recognized as an essential factor to ensure a healthy work environment and to promote the effective rehabilitation of prisoners. Objective: Analyze the psychosocial risks in the penitentiary agents of the Turi Social Rehabilitation Center, through the application of the CoPsoQ istas21 questionnaire, to know the impact that these have on the health, well-being and performance of the officials who work in this Center. Methodology: Non-experimental cross-sectional, quantitative, and descriptive level. Sample: 310 agents. Instruments: CoPsoQ Istas 21 questionnaire. Results:  The results showed that most of the penitentiary agents of the Turi Social Rehabilitation Center have had problems in their emotional health, mental well-being, and their performance, derived from the long working hours, the pressure that work represents in the penitentiary and the insecurity at work. which they must face daily. Conclusion:  The evaluation made it possible to identify the psychosocial risk factors to which security agents are exposed in their work environment. These factors show a low level of exposure to situations of conflict, violence, chronic stress, and adverse working conditions.

Claudia Magali Tapia Urgilez, José Luis Solano Peláez


Nonlinear static analysis (push over) with seismic isolators in the workshops of the Technical University of Ambato

In this article, an analysis of the structural behavior of two structures with and without the use of seismic isolators is carried out. One structure is located in the workshop of the Faculty of Civil and Mechanical Engineering (FICM) while the other is in the workshop of the Faculty of Systems, Electronic and Industrial Engineering (FISEI), both belonging to the Technical University of Ambato. The structures have a structural system of special earthquake-resistant hot-rolled steel frames with stiffening diagonals. First, a methodological framework was created. Subsequently, for the analysis of structural behavior, the following are presented: the results of the fundamental period of vibration, validation of the dynamic analysis, floor drifts, nonlinear static analysis, capacity curve, performance point, characteristics of the elastomeric insulator with lead core, modeling in the ETABS engineering software, comparison of vibration period results, comparison of inelastic drifts, comparison of displacements, among others. It is concluded that, for the FICM workshop, the embedded structure presented a maximum displacement for a design earthquake of 1.162 cm, in the structure with a fixed base it was reduced by 50.76% with a displacement of 0.572 cm; while, for the FISEI workshop, the embedded structure presented a value of 1.294 cm, and with the implementation of insulators it is reduced by 63.49% with a value of 0.473 cm. Therefore, with the incorporation of seismic isolators, the structures have a greater energy dissipation capacity.

Byron Leonardo Lopez Sánchez, José Andrés Sanchez Ruales, Christian Fabián Frías Córdova, Edmundo Sebastián Villegas Suarez


Sustainable construction of public space for the city of Riobamba-Ecuador; specific case Plaza Abdón Calderón

Introduction:  The studies conducted by UN-Habitat deduce that cities in developing countries have a limited area designated for public spaces, green areas, and buildings. In large part, the new public spaces prioritize motorized transportation, leaving pedestrian mobility with unplanned sidewalks and a scarcity of green areas. The city of Riobamba is not immune to this problem; it faces a deficit of public spaces that could enhance the quality of life for its residents. The Dolorosa sector lacks sustainable public spaces, with a low QLI and a public space usage frequency of 31.52%, according to (Lopez & Deley, 2021). Objective:  Propose a proposal for sustainable public space for the city of Riobamba, Ecuador; specific case Abdon Calderon Square that contributes economically, socially, and environmentally to the study sector. Methodology:  The research approach is qualitative-quantitative; qualitative, since it is necessary to identify the qualities of the sector, bibliographic exploration of guidelines and sustainable strategies. Quantitative, to evaluate the degree of affectation through a diagnosis to the study site and provide efficient solutions that respond to the context and social reality. Results: The spaces proposed in the proposal are based on sustainable design guidelines, including Local Integration, Proximity, Vitality, Scale, Level of inclusivity, Quantity and quality of furniture, Integration of nature, Materials, Legibility, and Visibility of a sustainable public space. Conclusion: The relevant design guidelines on the issue of sustainability were found in international entities such as: habitat III, Sustainable Site and LEED V4 and through a global analysis of these sources, a table of design indicators for sustainable public space was generated that served for the sustainable approach and qualification of it.

Karina Elizabeth Cajamarca Dacto, Juan Carlos Herrera González, Luis Alejandro Velastegui Cáceres, Alex Xavier Frías Torres


Sensory-perceptual game: didactic-pedagogical strategy aimed at the development of balance, motor and intellectual skills and learning in elementary school students (Sub-level 2)

Introduction:  The Ministry of Education through the curriculum includes curricular updates, to guarantee the comprehensive development of the child, engaging educators in the teaching-learning process through sensory-perceptive games, strategies, and methods that enhance balance and movement, considering that mobility, manual abilities, and motor skills must be improved. Objective: determine the importance of sensory-perceptive play: a didactic-pedagogical strategy aimed at the development of balance, motor, and intellectual skills, and learning in Elementary School students (Sub-level 2) at the Manuela Espejo School of Basic General Education. Methodology: acquires a qualitative approach, with a non-experimental design, along with the descriptive scope. The technique applied was observation, the instrument was validated using the SPSS statistical program for better veracity at the time of collecting numerical data. Results: it was established that the application of sensory-perceptive games in Basic Elementary (Sub-level 2) is little used by educators despite its advantages, a factor that affects body posture, the development of balance, motor, and intellectual skills. and learning. Conclusion:  Difficulties in the development of balance, motor and intellectual skills and learning were diagnosed in Elementary School students (Sub-level 2) at the Manuela Espejo School of Basic General Education. Therefore, it is established that in the training system the implementation of strategies and recreational activities will allow achieving better results in academic performance, decision making, problem solving and teamwork.

Luis Efraín Velastegui López, Daniela Elizabeth Solís López, Verónica Fernanda Gavilanes Cordones, Jacqueline Alejandra Portero Aponte


Comparison of performance between platforms for IAAS Open Source: OpenStack and CloudStack

Introduction: The implementation of an IaaS platform at UNACH represents a great opportunity to improve the technological infrastructure of the institution, strengthen the capacities of students and teachers, and promote innovation and competitiveness. Objective: To compare OpenStack and CloudStack platforms through performance in a virtualised environment for the implementation of a private cloud at the National University of Chimborazo. Methodology: The establishment of the scenario included the installation of three nodes: the controlling node, the computation node and the storage node deployed on Proxmox VE. Results: The analysis of each of the dimensions of the FURPS model was carried out with a sample of 35 tests, an error rate of 0.05%, the first time the normality of the data and the corresponding contrast tests, obtaining this way for the The processing time of a difference of 5.6% The best use of OpenStack The use of RAM with 0.89%, The use of the CPU with 2.67% and Outgoing Network Traffic with a 2.07%. Conclusion: a general result was calculated through a multicriteria analysis with the NAIADE method, obtaining that the performance is similar.

Valeria Estefanía Illapa Robles, Jhony Javier Marcatoma Morocho, Paul Xavier Paguay Soxo, René Alfonso Barragán Torres, Joffre Stalin Monar Monar


The application of neuro didactic strategies for the improvement of students with dyslexia in the 9th year of general basic education of the Educational Unit Federación Deportiva de Cotopaxi of the canton of La Maná

Introduction: Neurology applied to educational processes has shown its importance in guaranteeing the efficient acquisition of significant learning for the benefit of the educational community. Objective: To analyze the application of neuro didactic strategies for the improvement of students with dyslexia in the 9th year of general basic education at the Educational Unit Federación Deportiva de Cotopaxi in the canton of La Maná. Methodology: Descriptive, qualitative-quantitative, with the use of the test-type survey techniques and the interview of the 9th grade teacher and the school principal. Results:  An increase in the academic performance of children with dyslexia, from 6.35 to 8.53 points out of 10, when the teachers applied some didactic strategies, of a playful nature, with the help of digital resources, which consisted of tongue twisters, reading forward, with pose up, as well as mathematical operations. Conclusion: It was demonstrated, then, that the application of neuro didactic strategies was the cause of the improvement in the studies of students with dyslexia in the 9th year of general basic education of the Educational Unit Federación Deportiva de Cotopaxi of the canton La Maná. General area of study: Educational Sciences. Specific area of study: Basic education.

Luz Mayra De la Guerra Pilco, Patricia Cecilia Bonete León, Edgar Ezequiel Luna Sánchez, Wilber Ortiz Aguilera
