Psychological well-being and work stress in non-professional workers in the city of Ambato, applying the Goldberg GHQ-12 general health questionnaire

Objective. Determine psychological well-being and work stress in non-professional workers in the city of Ambato, applying the Goldberg GHQ-12 general health questionnaire.

Methodology. Descriptive cross-sectional study, where the Goldberg General Health Questionnaire (GHQ-12) was used to prove to be an effective tool for the assessment of mental health in the general population and in the clinical population, being one of the most validated screening instruments used worldwide and one of the most recommended to be used in health surveys. The analysis of internal consistency using Cronbach's alpha coefficient showed good internal consistency and validity (.84). The sample consisted of 280 non-professional workers from different marketing centers located in the city of Ambato. Results Of the 280 participants studied, 40% were men and 60% women, with a level of work stress between very high and high at 61%, and, within what is self-perceived psychological well-being, most Rate it as very low and low at 59%. This allows us to conclude that stress affects all types of people regardless of age, gender, marital status, socio-economic status and level of education, since all are affected by external and internal environments that are difficult to manage.

Luis Fernando Taruchaín Pozo, Verónica Adriana Freire Palacios, María de los Ángeles Mayorga Álvarez


A regional analysis of ethics in the formation of the Public Accountant as a fundamental pillar to fight corruption

Corruption in Latin America is alarming, several corruption cases have been carried out by corrupt officials and politicians. This article proposes ethics as a fundamental pillar to combat corrupt behaviors and thus avoid the diversion of resources, in countries such as Colombia, Ecuador and Peru with emerging economies that currently top the list of countries with high corruption rates. The Ethics should attract the attention of all professionals, especially the Public Accountants, because this becomes the right hand and the strategic ally. So, it cannot and should not miss their professionalism, even worse to fail society. This work also seeks to draw the attention of universities in the region because it is their duty to train public accountants for the efficient performance of the professional attached to the faithful compliance of the legal and ethical-professional law. The present article proposed a regional analysis of the curricular matrix in the formation of the Public Accountant against the matrix of study of the best universities of the world and thus of face to learn of the best ones and to fight the corruption. In this context, education and ethics become the mechanisms to eliminate corruption

Maribel del Rocío Paredes Cabezas, Rocío Marisol Guachamboza Moposita, Luis Efraín Velasteguí López
