Organizadores gráficos para empoderar la enseñanza-aprendizaje de los tiempos gramaticales en la educación superior

Introducción. El idioma inglés es una asignatura obligatoria en la educación primaria, secundaria y superior en Ecuador. Para llegar a ser competente, se necesita un amplio conocimiento de la gramática porque se considera la columna vertebral de un idioma. Objetivo. Esta investigación tiene como objetivo implementar organizadores gráficos en el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje de los tiempos gramaticales. Metodología. Esta investigación se llevó a cabo en una universidad de Riobamba con una población objetivo de 62 estudiantes de nivel A2. Se realizó una investigación cuasiexperimental, con 31 alumnos que formaban el grupo experimental y el mismo número de alumnos que el grupo control. Se aplicó una prueba previa a ambos grupos para evaluar sus habilidades gramaticales. Posteriormente, a ambos grupos se les realizó una prueba posterior para determinar si los organizadores gráficos implementados mejoraron el desempeño de los estudiantes con respecto a los tiempos gramaticales. Resultados. Los resultados de la prueba posterior demostraron que la competencia de los estudiantes del grupo experimental se ha mejorado después de implementar organizadores gráficos. Conclusión. Los estudiantes pudieron aclarar sus ideas y establecer mejores relaciones entre las demandas gráficas y cognitivas.

Jazmín Marisol Medina, Jazmina Ivonne Mena Mayorga


Pixton as a digital teaching tool to encourage the writing skill

El uso de las Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación (TIC) en la educación ha aumentado debido a la era tecnológica en la que vivimos hoy en día. La enseñanza del inglés también exige estar informado de las nuevas tendencias docentes que ofrece la tecnología. Como resultado, los profesores deben ser conscientes del papel importante que desempeña la tecnología en la enseñanza-aprendizaje del inglés.

Es por eso que esta investigación tiene como objetivo analizar si Pixton, una herramienta de narración digital, mejora la habilidad de escritura en los estudiantes de inglés en la educación superior.

Se llevo a cabo en un Instituto educativo en Ecuador con una población objetivo de cuarenta y ocho estudiantes de un nivel A2. Se realizó una investigación cuasi-experimental donde veinte cuatro estudiantes fueron el grupo experimental y los otros veinte cuatro fueron el grupo control. Se aplicó una prueba previa para ambos grupos para evaluar sus habilidades de escritura. Después de eso, los estudiantes de ambos grupos tomaron una prueba posterior para determinar si Pixton (la narración digital) utilizado durante las clases hizo alguna diferencia en el rendimiento de las habilidades de escritura.

Los resultados indicaron que los estudiantes que formaron parte del grupo experimental tuvieron un promedio más alto en la prueba posterior de escritura en comparación con el promedio del grupo control. Por lo tanto, los estudiantes del grupo experimental superaron a los estudiantes del grupo control. Debido a este hecho, el uso de Pixton como una herramienta digital de narración de cuentos facilita la habilidad de escritura en los estudiantes de nivel A2 en el instituto.

Ximena Gabriela Ortiz Orellana , Jazmina Ivonne Mena Mayorga


Biomechanical analysis of the technical execution of Toss to hands in Cheerleading.

Introduction. The optimization of performance in any sport discipline, as in the case of cheerleaders, depends on their execution biomechanics. The Toss to hands technique is an action in pairs with biomechanically similar base and flayer roles. Objetive. Build a structural technical model of the execution of the Toss to hands technique in cheerleaders, taking into account the roles that each athlete performs and the characterization of the biomechanical parameters of angles in different joints, speeds and maximum heights in each determined phase. Methodology. The study was based on a mixed descriptive approach with a cross section, supported by the use of theoretical and empirical methods. Results. 1. The documentary and observational investigation of the videos made to the sample under study, made up of 25 athletes between bases and flayers, allowed to build a structural technical model of the technical execution of the Toss to hands in the cheerleaders, referring to components, periods, phases and movement actions, which are described and differentiated in each role. 2. It could be seen that the angles of the elbow, hip and knee joints differ in each role with significant differences in each phase of movement, as well as the speed of execution, which presents higher values ​​in the projection and dismount phases by part of the flayer, the analysis of the maximum heights similarly presented significant differences, evidenced by the application of the one-factor ANOVA statistical test. Conclution. A structural technical model was built in phases, describing 3 components, 3 periods and 11 phases for each role, which turns out to be more comprehensive, allowing to target the optimization of sports performance and the improvement of both individual and pair competition results.

Oscar Andrés Orbe Yumisaca



Introduction. Mini-athletics is the athletic sports initiation program in educational and sports environments, to develop them through the playful approach, that is to say, the game as the main teaching-learning tool, thus linking the application of gamification, which is based on the success of video games in pedagogical practice as a form of ABJ game-based learning. Objective. To develop a gamification proposal for the development of the teaching-learning process of mini-athletics, as extracurricular content of the school system based on the video game "Crash Bandicoot: War of the Titans". Methodology. The proposed study responds to a mixed research approach of exploratory-descriptive cross-sectional type and under the application of the analytical-synthetic method to reach a generalization of the study phenomenon. Results. A proposal was developed with the narrative of the first 4 episodes of the video game, which was selected through a documentary analysis of 35 video games, their narrative and relationship with the contents of miniathletics and a preference survey of a group of 27 students between 9 and 11 years of age about these video games, a process that was adapted by the teacher, describing the different levels, with their pedagogical objectives, game rules, participants' avatars, game points and rewards, badges and special events. Conclusion. Gamification as an active teaching-learning methodology is a pedagogical process that integrally combines in the development of mini-athletics, the video game "Crash Bandicoot: War of the Titans", the contents of jumps, throws, endurance and speed races with relays, turning this practice into a pleasant and interesting way of learning. 

Gladys Tatiana Olmedo Cruz


Family communication and social skills in students of general basic higher education in a private educational institution in Ambato

Introduction. Family communication is a significant component that influences the way of relating and the construction of the affective bond, for behavioral development, therefore social skills are a set of capacities, which allow the development of a repertoire of actions and behaviors that make people function effectively socially. Therefore, poor communication at the family level generates problems in the development of social skills. Aim. Determine the relationship between communication and social skills of students of General Basic Higher Education of a particular educational institution in Ambato. Methodology. This was an observational, prospective, cross-sectional and descriptive investigation as they allowed to understand in depth the issue raised by a group of students for a short period of time and without including control groups. In addition, the study was quantitative in nature, corresponding to the level of relational research since a correlation was made between family communication, which was the supervisory variable, and social skills, which was the associated variable. Results. Students develop their social skills related to feelings (8%), express aggressiveness (11%), do not cope with stress (15%), and maintain planning limitations (50%). Conclusion. It was concluded that social skills increase expressiveness and social exchange, an aspect that benefits self-esteem, assertiveness, dialogue, making appropriate and timely decisions and assertive behaviors in this way favor the teaching of the learning process.

Katherine Estefanía Díaz Núñez, Ana Elizabeth Jaramillo Zambrano


Prototype of jam based on a non-caloric sweetener for greater consumption in the Ecuadorian population

Introduction: food is one of the basic physiological needs located at the first level according to the famous pyramid of Maslow, food has been transformed to maintain its duration time known as shelf life, however, it is essential to take care of health by diseases caused by sugar, which is why this research arises. Objectives: to elaborate a prototype of jam to case of a non-caloric sweetener with its production costs, based on sucralose, and determine if it is accepted by the Ecuadorian population. Methodology: the deductive method and the research modalities are used, of a non-experimental type and that this in turn needs to be complemented with others, such as: quantitative research that is oriented towards the percentages that we are going to obtain through a survey made up of open and closed questions, in the province of Chimborazo, in the City of Riobamba,  in the urban sector of the city, in people with an age range of 15 to 64 years, actively economic; Among them are men (79710), women (90320) and diabetics (2102) with a total population of 261 360 inhabitants, with a sample of 400 people. Results: the consumption of jam in Ecuadorian households amounts to 91%, of which 53% buy it in supermarkets, the preferred brand is Gustadina with 56%; of the population under study, 93% are willing to consume fruit-blackberry jam; 34% of the people surveyed look more at quantity than quality; 45% have a basic salary and 65% are willing to pay $2.50 for the tested product. Conclusions:  it is feasible the jam with the substitution of sucrose by sucralose, changing the traditional formulation the process of elaboration of the jam was optimal, determining the key points of the process, as well as its cost-benefit and its nutritional enhancement to the product by the content of anthocyanins by these fruits in addition to the antioxidant power they generate. General study area: Engineering and Economics. Specific study area: Agribusiness and market research.

María Belén Bravo Avalos, Luis Fernando Arboleda Álvarez, Grace Natalie Tamayo Galarza
