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Introduction. Mini-athletics is the athletic sports initiation program in educational and sports environments, to develop them through the playful approach, that is to say, the game as the main teaching-learning tool, thus linking the application of gamification, which is based on the success of video games in pedagogical practice as a form of ABJ game-based learning. Objective. To develop a gamification proposal for the development of the teaching-learning process of mini-athletics, as extracurricular content of the school system based on the video game "Crash Bandicoot: War of the Titans". Methodology. The proposed study responds to a mixed research approach of exploratory-descriptive cross-sectional type and under the application of the analytical-synthetic method to reach a generalization of the study phenomenon. Results. A proposal was developed with the narrative of the first 4 episodes of the video game, which was selected through a documentary analysis of 35 video games, their narrative and relationship with the contents of miniathletics and a preference survey of a group of 27 students between 9 and 11 years of age about these video games, a process that was adapted by the teacher, describing the different levels, with their pedagogical objectives, game rules, participants' avatars, game points and rewards, badges and special events. Conclusion. Gamification as an active teaching-learning methodology is a pedagogical process that integrally combines in the development of mini-athletics, the video game "Crash Bandicoot: War of the Titans", the contents of jumps, throws, endurance and speed races with relays, turning this practice into a pleasant and interesting way of learning.
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