Proposal of strategic marketing actions for the Sports-Recreational Center "Habana Golf Club"

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Yanela González González
Amanda Menéndez Arrué
Luis Efraín Velastegui López


Strategic marketing actions not only allow you to create directional guidelines in the commercial planning of a company, but also favor its strategic planning. Marketing currently performs an essential work in the business sector and is applied more and more in tourism companies, considering that for the service industry, the intangibility of the product is very important when it comes to satisfying the customer. This research started from the need that exists in the Recreational-Sports Center “Habana Golf Club” to create marketing actions that contribute to the commercial planning of the center. Therefore, the development of strategic marketing actions was determined as the main objective. For this, a theoretical-methodological analysis of the subject and an external and internal characterization of the organization were carried out, which allowed, with the application of strategic tools such as the cross-impact matrix, to determine its current situation and to propose the necessary marketing actions in the installation through the methodology applied by Antoni Serra in his book Marketing Turístico. Techniques and procedures such as semi-structured interviews and direct scientific observation were used. During the development of the proposed phases, objectives and strategic lines of action were defined and their implementation, through the design of an action plan in the final phase of the chosen methodology.


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How to Cite
González González , Y., Menéndez Arrué, A., & Velastegui López, L. E. (2022). Proposal of strategic marketing actions for the Sports-Recreational Center "Habana Golf Club". Explorador Digital, 6(3.1), 121-134.


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