Elementos de la conceptualización del servicio para el producto hoteles con encanto de grupo hotelero Islazul
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In order to achieve a greater presence in the international market and attract a greater volume of foreign currency, Islazul Hotel Group, as part of the companies that manage tourist accommodation establishments in Cuba, is carrying out a process of diversification and improvement of its offer. This study aims to contribute to this process by developing the Service Conceptualization for the charming hotels product belonging to the Group in order to perfect the design of these facilities based on the attributes and benefits that customers expect to receive. To this end, a netnographic analysis was carried out as a whole to an analysis by hierarchical conglomerates to determine the benefits expected by the demand for this hotel product and based on these benefits as a whole to the characteristics of the clients, the attributes of the service that they must own these establishments. Finally, taking into account the new guidelines in hotel operations imposed by COVID-19, the idea of the product-service and the elements of its Conceptualization were conceived.
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