Information technologies: its impact on the care of the environment

Introduction. ICTs bring significant benefits to the environment; however, they have an environmental footprint, causing an impact on the environment, which must be considered. Target. Establish the criteria regarding ICTs and their impact on caring for the environment, as well as the benefits and effects generated by their use. Methodology. A descriptive, non-experimental methodology was used in the study. Based on the review of the literature and on theoretical methods, which allowed establishing the search criteria related to the topic Results. 1. Previous studies show that the perception of ICTs as clean tools is overestimated, when they also cause an impact on the environment. 2. The use of ICTs brings benefits to the environment and society, constituting fundamental tools for meteorological observation and the prediction of global climate change. 3. Currently it is imperative to be aware of the true impact that ICTs have on the environment, derived from the extraction of minerals for their components, as well as a disproportionate increase in the technological waste they generate. 4. It is necessary to implement and comply with policies and measures aimed at reducing the environmental impact generated using ICTs, together with their awareness starting from basic school education to all educational levels. Conclusions. Through the systematic review of the literature, the repercussions that ICTs generate on the environment were evidenced, related to socioeconomic development and the effects of climate change, as well as the environmental footprint that it has, which causes an impact on the environment and raising awareness and enacting policies and measures aimed at reducing this environmental impact.

María Soledad Núñez Moreno, Whymper Eduardo Martínez Chérrez


The entrepreneurships and their contribution to the socioeconomic development of the women of the Ruku Kawsay Fair in Orellana Ecuador

Introduction. This research was developed in the province of Orellana to analyze the ventures and their contribution to the socio-economic development of the women of the Ruku Kawsay Fair in Orellana – Ecuador.  Objective.  Determine if the ventures generate enough income to cover the basic basket.  Methodology.  A descriptive - comparative research with a quantitative approach was adopted as a methodology; In addition, the universe formed by 162 women entrepreneurs was considered, from which a sample of 114 members was obtained, the instruments used for data collection was the application of a survey with an extension of nine questions.  Results.  Once all the data was processed, we proceeded with the analysis and tabulation determining as a result that the ventures of the women entrepreneurs of the Ruku Kawsay Fair in general produce average profits of 63.17 USD, value lower than the 425 USD that corresponds to the unified basic salary that was approved for this year 2022, considering and relating the value corresponding to the Ecuadorian Basic Family Basket (CFB) 719.65 USD. Conclusion.  It was concluded that these ventures do not generate enough income to contribute to the socioeconomic development of the women of the Ruku Kawsay Fair, which allows improving the quality of life for both them and their families.

Lidia Patricia Lamilla Vera , Carmita Leonor Álvarez Santana, Jenny Irlanda Tapia Segarra


Phytochemical characterization and antimicrobial activity of dandelion essential oil (Taraxacum Officinale) against pathogenic microorganisms

Introduction: Antibiotic resistance has aroused great interest in evaluating the antimicrobial properties of natural plants. Taraxacum officinale is widely used as a medicinal plant in folklore for its diuretic, anti-rheumatic, and anti-inflammatory properties. However, there are some reports on antimicrobial properties. Objective: The objective of the study was to explore the photochemical composition of the extracts of the essential oils of the Taraxacum officinale plant and their antibacterial activity against bacterial strains of clinical importance. Methodology: The antibacterial properties of the essential oil of Taraxacum officinale were examined through the agar disc diffusion method and the minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC). Results: The evaluation of the antimicrobial activity developed by the diffusion method in solid medium, MIC and CMM showed that bacterial strains such as Staphylococcus aureus and yeasts such as Candida Albicans were sensitive to the antimicrobial activity of the essential oil studied but intermediate activity. with gram negative bacteria such as Escherichia coli. Conclusion: the essential oil of Taraxacum officinale has a high antibacterial activity and its use as a natural antimicrobial alternative in pharmaceutical industries could be suggested.

Christian Miguel Moncayo Rivera, Génesis Belén Garzón Idrovo, José Andrés Bernal Calle, John Patricio González Ortiz , Daisy Estefanía Gómez Chacón


"The bridges of Matanzas, more than a link''

Summary Within the tourism activities, the knowledge of culture has become one of the main reasons that attract visitors to country, so that cultural heritage can be an attraction that enhances the different products offered to customers. Such is the case of the heritage value of the bridges in Matanzas, which are not properly exploited for tourism purposes. Precisely, the corresponding research addressed how a tourism management project for the cultural heritage of the bridges of Matanzas, specifically the bridges of La Concordia, Calixto García and Sánchez Figueras, can contribute to the revaluation of this cultural heritage. In this study, reference is made to the theoretical and conceptual aspects of heritage and its relationship with tourism, cultural heritage, bridges as part of heritage, tourist routes, tourism management of cultural heritage and heritage tourism management projects. Qualitative methodology was used as a basis, through phenomenology. The research techniques used were: non-participant observation and document analysis. As a result of the research, a cultural heritage management project was designed, consisting of a tourist route called "The bridges of Matanzas, more than a link'', which revalorises the cultural heritage.

Patricia Inés Delgado Gómez, Bisleivys Jiménez Valero, Elizabet Prado Chaviano, Manuel de Jesús Vázquez Garriga


Validation of the instrument to measure the quality of care and satisfaction in external consultation users of the Hospital General Martín Icaza 2021

Introduction: Patient satisfaction is a critical component in the evaluation of the quality of service received. Patient satisfaction provides information about the success of service delivery and the fulfillment of patient expectations. Objective: To determine the factors that influence the quality of care of outpatient users of the Hospital General Martin Icaza. Methodology: A cross-sectional cohort, descriptive and correlational type was conducted applying the qualitative-quantitative research modality. The instrument used in the quantitative section was the modified SERVQUAL questionnaire which was applied in a pilot plan to twenty users of the outpatient service, obtaining a Crombach's Alpha of 0.821, while the interview was the instrument used for the qualitative section and this was applied to a focus group of ten participants. Results: It was evidenced that the average satisfaction of the group was 3.2/5 points being this a regular service, whose worst evaluated indicator was the one referring to empathy towards the patient (2.50) and the best evaluated was the continuous education through talks to the community (3.85). Conclusions: The instruments implemented in this research maintain a strong relationship and have been statistically significant in terms of their relevance and reliability, so they are considered suitable for replication in the final research.

Luis Leonel Álvarez Izquierdo


The use of videos to improve vocabulary in learning the English language

Introduction: Several competencies, skills and elements are required to learn a second foreign language. One of the most important aspects of acquiring a foreign language is vocabulary.  Objectives: The purpose of this study was to determine how the incorporation of YouTube videos in reading exercises affected the development of comprehension and identification of vocabulary in students of the Environmental Engineering career at a public university in Ecuador. The activities were carried out through Microsoft Teams and the Moodle virtual classroom.  Methodology: se used a Pre-test and a Post-test where the vocabulary related to the environment was evaluated to a group of 33 students, of which 18 were women and 15 were men, with an average age of 21 to 22 years. The students worked in groups, so they were divided into channels using Microsoft Teams. A survey was also used to determine the degree of student satisfaction with using YouTube videos in vocabulary learning. Results: The results of the Post-Test of the vocabulary test showed that the students learned many words that they did not know during the three weeks of the application of this study method. The survey showed that students felt comfortable, and motivated to learn vocabulary through YouTube videos thus facilitating the learning of English as a second language.  Conclusions: the study showed that the students improved their level of pronunciation and understanding since the videos provided a correct pronunciation.

Ángel Paul Obregón Mayorga, Mónica Alejandra Logroño Becerra, Lucio Armando Rodríguez Pillajo, Leonardo Efraín Cabezas Arévalo


Citizen participation and administrative management of the Autonomous Decentralized Municipal Government of Ambato

The importance of citizen participation in the management of public administration lies in the fact that it seeks to obtain an inclusive and participatory government with its constituents, establishing whether it complies with what is established in the precepts determined in the Ecuadorian regulations on citizen participation, Obtaining a general idea of ​​citizens' compliance with the administrative management of the municipal GAD authorities Ambato, in this way it seeks to make the information of the public institution transparent, with this, it is promoted to reduce cases of corruption, such as the execution of processes with surcharges, awarding of contracts to contracting entities that do not meet the requirements demanded by the contract bases or did not follow the process established in public purchases or non-compliance with the participatory budget, among other things, due to the existence of greater citizen oversight, thus obtaining a service with acceptable quality standards and may execution of works for the benefit of the community with an acceptable degree of effectiveness, in order to establish the level of citizen participation in administrative management, a survey was applied to the population, taking into account parameters such as: electoral participation, informative participation, citizen participation , civic participation, associative participation, and administrative management.

Eliana Mercedes Rivera Herrera, Telmo Diego Proaño Córdova
