Information and Communication Technologies as a tool in the teaching of financial mathematics

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Marco Antonio Gavilanes Sagñay
Willian Geovanny Yanza Chávez
Johana Katerin Montoya Lunavictoria
Fermín Andrés Haro Velastegui


Introduction: The Technologies of Information and Communication (ICTs), as part of the work docent and as a tool in the teaching of financial mathematics consists, in an original approach to teaching and the capacities of these for the use of new methods and processes, through the application of modern technologies. Objective: this paper aims at a bibliographic study of teaching methods and their incorporation of modern technologies in learning processes. Methodology: it is qualitative research, of bibliographic type, where the antecedents and comparisons on the methods of teaching learning of the financial mathematics are established. Results: a guide for teacher training institutions in achieving these goals is presented. Conclusions: the evolution of technology is undeniable, and education could in no way depart from it, as well as its methods and tools for teaching.


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Gavilanes Sagñay, M. A., Yanza Chávez, W. G., Montoya Lunavictoria, J. K., & Haro Velastegui, F. A. (2022). Information and Communication Technologies as a tool in the teaching of financial mathematics. ConcienciaDigital, 5(2.1), 189-203.


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