Information technologies: its impact on the care of the environment
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Introduction. ICTs bring significant benefits to the environment; however, they have an environmental footprint, causing an impact on the environment, which must be considered. Target. Establish the criteria regarding ICTs and their impact on caring for the environment, as well as the benefits and effects generated by their use. Methodology. A descriptive, non-experimental methodology was used in the study. Based on the review of the literature and on theoretical methods, which allowed establishing the search criteria related to the topic Results. 1. Previous studies show that the perception of ICTs as clean tools is overestimated, when they also cause an impact on the environment. 2. The use of ICTs brings benefits to the environment and society, constituting fundamental tools for meteorological observation and the prediction of global climate change. 3. Currently it is imperative to be aware of the true impact that ICTs have on the environment, derived from the extraction of minerals for their components, as well as a disproportionate increase in the technological waste they generate. 4. It is necessary to implement and comply with policies and measures aimed at reducing the environmental impact generated using ICTs, together with their awareness starting from basic school education to all educational levels. Conclusions. Through the systematic review of the literature, the repercussions that ICTs generate on the environment were evidenced, related to socioeconomic development and the effects of climate change, as well as the environmental footprint that it has, which causes an impact on the environment and raising awareness and enacting policies and measures aimed at reducing this environmental impact.
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