Análisis prospectivo del mercado chino para la etapa post COVID del sector turístico cubano


Melissa Lemes Reyes
Claudia Domínguez Cantera
Yasser Vázquez Alfonso
Luis Efrain Velastegui Lopez


This investigation constitutes a study of the perspectives of the Chinese market in the stage post Covid of the Cuban tourist sector and its objective was to build the possible and probable prospective scenarios for the behavior of the Chinese market. For it was executed it an analysis supported in primary information, and they were used technical qualitative and quantitative of such collection of information as meetings and surveys to specialists and experts. As part of the investigation, a methodology was used for the prospective scenario construction composed by tools and technical, which are storm of ideas, the analysis DAFO (Weaknesses, Threats, Strengths and Opportunities), the structural analysis, the morphological analysis and a probabilistic analysis. The main used tools leaned on in the following software’s: MICMAC (Womb of Impacts Crossed Applied Multiplication to a Classification), MORPHOL (Morphological), Smic-Prob -Expert (System of Wombs of Crossed Impacts) and the MULTIPOL (Multi-approach and Politics). as a result, an analysis of the future behavior of the Chinese market was obtained and it was determined the prospective scenarios with more occurrence probability or referential; by means of which the directive of the MINTUR will take decisions about the perspectives of the Chinese market in the stage post-covid with a minimum of uncertainty.


Não há dados estatísticos.


Como Citar
Lemes Reyes, M., Domínguez Cantera, C., Vázquez Alfonso, Y., & Velastegui Lopez, L. E. (2022). Análisis prospectivo del mercado chino para la etapa post COVID del sector turístico cubano. Explorador Digital, 6(1), 19-30.


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