Diagnosis of the social networks of the mintur accommodation business groups

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Emilio Enrique Guerra Castellón
Edgar Núñez Torres
Luis Efraín Velastegui López
José Gabriel Mena Guevara


Social networks are essential tools for interacting and establishing communications with customers, promoting products and services, as well as obtaining feedback and improving their experience. Companies in the tourism sector must constantly diagnose their presence on these platforms to improve their strategy and gain competitiveness, all based on the digital transformation that has taken place in recent years. This research shows a descriptive statistical diagnosis of the implementation of social networks of the MINTUR accommodation business groups, in order to identify opportunities for improvement that contribute to the improvement of their digital transformation. For the realization, the Social Status and Microsoft Excel tools were used. The main results obtained were that, in the period analyzed, Cubanacán was the business group with the most satisfactory results in terms of maintaining a constant presence and engaging followers, Gran Caribe did not manage to take full advantage or in the most effective way possible of the management of the use of their social networks and Campismo Popular and Islazul must work hard to improve the usability of social networks as part of their digital transformation due to the very low number of publications, engagement, popularity and other indicators that contribute to an adequate marketing strategy. marketing today and generate great interest from customers.


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How to Cite
Guerra Castellón, E. E., Núñez Torres, E., Velastegui López, L. E., & Mena Guevara, J. G. (2024). Diagnosis of the social networks of the mintur accommodation business groups. Explorador Digital, 8(2), 59-74. https://doi.org/10.33262/exploradordigital.v8i2.2961


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