Study of the training needs of the business trainer in hotels in the tourist destination of Varadero.

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Maithé del Toro Soto del Toro Soto
Bisleivys Jiménez Valero
Luis Efraín Velastegui López


The training of the business coach has an impact on the development of organizations. The purpose of the following study is to identify the training needs of the business trainer in hotels in the tourist destination of Varadero. As a suitable scenario, a hotel was selected from each hotel group (Cubanacán, Gran Caribe and Islazul). For this, a self-made survey was used that contains general data eight questions, where the answers are quick and simple marking. The results of the diagnosis show the difficulties in training actions to contribute to the successful performance of business trainers. The most pointed weaknesses are inscribed in what refers to the teaching methodology, the mastery of participatory techniques, the updating of knowledge systems, ICT skills. They also present insufficiencies in relation to participation in training courses, methodological activities and participation in events. Among the strengths are the initial training for the performance of their duties and the years of professional experience of the workers.


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How to Cite
del Toro Soto, M. del T. S., Jiménez Valero, B., & Velastegui López, L. E. (2022). Study of the training needs of the business trainer in hotels in the tourist destination of Varadero. Explorador Digital, 6(3.1), 109-120.


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