Methodological workshops for the development of skills in the use of technological tools for teachers

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María Elizabeth Sarango Rodríguez
Claudio Fernando Guevara Vizcaíno


Introduction: This research is intended to improve the teaching-learning process through the use of technology, this being a tool of great value today. Through an observation and survey, it was possible to notice the limited use and knowledge of technological resources by the teachers of the Severo Espinosa Educational Unit, this being the starting point to motivate and encourage educators to take advantage of digital tools, offering students environments creativity and a more efficient and innovative teaching process. Objectives: Therefore, the objective focuses on training teachers from the Severo Espinoza Educational Unit about the use and application of significant technological tools for the teaching-learning process. Methodology: The research obeys a mixed, non-experimental epistemological approach with a descriptive and transversal cohort scope. The data were collected through surveys directed at teachers where, through a descriptive statistical analysis, the main findings that served as the basis for the study were established. generation of a proposal around the problem addressed. Results: It was evident that teachers are predisposed, because they are up to date with technology and that, with the different technological applications, they would awaken curiosity and motivation in the students and thus the teaching-learning process would be improved. Conclusions: It is essential that technology be used for learning and the acquisition of knowledge in each of the subjects to improve the teaching-learning process and it is important that teachers teach the different subjects with the support of technological teaching resources. General Study Area: Education. Specific study area: Technological competencies.


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How to Cite
Sarango Rodríguez, M. E., & Guevara Vizcaíno, C. F. (2024). Methodological workshops for the development of skills in the use of technological tools for teachers. Explorador Digital, 8(1), 27-44.


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