Technological management model to ensure the quality of information in the UAOME-UCACUE- Ecuador

Introduction: Technology enables the management and dynamism of organizations and ensures the proper management of the most valuable intangible asset of companies which is information. The study addresses the importance of the organizational structure of companies in the field of information and communication technologies. Objective: To identify if the technological management model of the Catholic University of Cuenca allows assuring the quality of information in the Academic Unit of Other Study Modalities. The structure of the Head of Informatics - its archetype - as well as the model of Governance and Management of Informatics is analyzed in relation to the needs of the Academic Unit of Other Study Modalities. Methodology: A field study with a qualitative approach of descriptive-exploratory scope was elaborated. For the collection of information, an 18-item instrument was applied, aligned with the study variables. Results: Based on the bilateral constructs, it is found that digital policies and management are strongly correlated with IT Governance 0.897**. Information availability is linearly associated with IT Management 0.808**. Information quality is correlated with the Technology Management model at 0.895**. The results are statistically significant at a level less than 0.05 p-value. Discussion: The organizational scheme of the IT area has an impact on the quality of the technology services provided to the academic units of the University, which allows guaranteeing the quality and accessibility of the information for its use in the different institutional processes. Conclusion: It was concluded that a technology management model based on best practices guarantees the adequate management of information, its quality and integrity, and allows aligning IT processes with institutional purposes.

Claudio Fernando Guevara Vizcaíno, Juan Bautista Solís Muñoz


SDMA biomarker as an early indicator of renal disease, in geriatric canines

Objetivo. Diagnosticar la incidencia de enfermedades renales, mediante biomarcador SDMA. en pacientes caninos geriátricos, mayores de 8 años. Introducción. La enfermedad renal crónica (ERC) es una enfermedad que aqueja a pacientes caninos, por lo general, geriátricos; ésta afecta a la funcionalidad de los riñones y se presenta como una de las enfermedades comunes en animales. El diagnóstico de ERC se suele realizar cuando las funciones renales se encuentran disminuidas en al menos 25% y presenta sintomatología clínica. Metodología. El presente trabajo de investigación se centró en diagnosticar ERC a través del biomarcador SDMA, mediante el análisis de 52 pacientes seleccionados al azar (n=52) entre 8 a 10 años de edad (AdE), sin distinción de sexo o raza, sin síntomas relacionados con la ERC al momento de la consulta, y los cuales fueron atendidos en la Clínica Veterinaria Beethoven de la ciudad de Santo Domingo de los Tsáchilas en Ecuador. Se realizó un análisis estadístico a través de una prueba de correlación de Pearson sobre la concentración de SDMA, urea y creatinina. Resultados. Se determinó que el 34,6% de los pacientes poseen una concentración del biomarcador SDMA mayor a 20 ug/dL, predominando en pacientes de 8 AdE (19,2%), de los cuales el (25%) fueron hembras y pacientes con un peso de más de 9 kg (19,2%). El presente estudio determinó que no se presenta una relación entre los biomarcadores en pacientes sin síntomas de ERC; sin embargo, esto no descarta el desarrollo de ERC con pacientes que presenten al menos el 25% de riñones afectados.

Patricia Yessenia Poma Ramírez, Eddy Paul Castillo Hidalgo, Darwin Rafael Villamarin Barragán


Use of polyhexanide in the management of post-surgical wounds in felines (Felis silvestris catus)

Introduction. Post-surgical infections are currently a topic on the rise due to different causes such as resistance to common drugs, failures in asepsis or problems in the post-surgical recovery of the patient. In turn, the use of systemic antibiotics is a controversial issue where their exclusive use predominates in really necessary cases, and if possible avoid their use. The alternatives for the control of post-surgical infections are few and often difficult to apply depending on the case. . Goal. Evaluate the use and efficacy of 0.1% polyhexanide (Prontosan Gel ® - T1) being a chemical product for human use with antiseptic, moisturizing, antibacterial and healing properties; in contrast to the use of a natural product for veterinary use such as 100% Manuka (Kruuse Manuka G ® – T2). Methodology. This study was observational and comparative with an experimental design assigning each drug a treatment group with 15 female felines (Felis silvestris catus) undergoing the OVH surgical procedure (Ovarian hysterectomy) at the "VET911" veterinary clinic in the city of Guayaquil and documenting their progress with each treatment for 21 days. Results. Under this study it was shown that in patients treated with Prontosan was a greater control of the bacterial load present in the incision, a shorter healing time than the T2 group and a remarkable stability in terms of inflammation, itching and pain on palpation by part of the T1 group. Conclusion. The polyhexadine for human use showed superior healing capacities than the drug for veterinary use when favoring the regeneration and healing of post-surgical wounds, a fact that is scientifically extraordinary.

Daniel Andrés Castro Pacheco, Nathalie del Consuelo Campos Murillo


Interactive digital tools to strengthen the teaching of reading comprehension

Digital tools today have been gaining strength in the activities carried out by teachers in their classes, however there are many teachers who still do not have full knowledge of the proper use for certain specific areas of teaching, for this reason the research is tries to Analyze and Provide teachers with interactive digital tools that allow improving reading comprehension, to obtain the number of teachers who do not know and have not used a research methodology that allows collecting data from a small population of teachers. with a quantitative and non-experimental method and also with an instrument in this case a questionnaire elaborated with the Likert scale through which I help to obtain the necessary data in order to determine the proposal, in this case the information that was tabulated through a frequency table was obtained that 83.3 of the total population They have almost never applied tools such as Quizizz, Genially to assess students, and that 94.4% of the total population has almost never used digital tools for reading comprehension. Given these statistical data, a proposal was presented to the teacher that consists of some digital tools that he can use in his classes, among which are: Genially, Quizizz, newsela, nearpod and padlet and in this way the objectives set from the beginning of the course are met. the investigation.

Freddy Patricio Tacuri Jara, Cecilia Toledo Moncayo


Application of interactive stories to promote reading comprehension of children with ADHD

La utilización de aplicaciones digitales para crear instrumentos interactivos que ayuden a mejorar la educación de niños con TADH en la actualidad ha tomado fuerza en las actividades que realizan los docentes en sus clases,  sin embargo todavía una parte de los docentes opta por una educación tradicional que no da buenos resultados en niños con necesidades especiales, por tal razón  esta investigación analiza la aplicación de cuentos interactivos que permitan mejorar la comprensión lectora en niños con TDAH, para ello se utilizó  una metodología de investigación no experimental con un enfoque deductivo ya que se pretende demostrar  que la utilización de cuentos didácticos mejorara la comprensión lectora en dichos niños, utilizando un cuestionario elaborado con la escala de Likert mediante el cual se obtuvo los datos necesarios para poder determinar una propuesta, en este caso la información que se tabulo mediante tablas de frecuencia se obtuvo que el 65% de las personas encuestadas frecuentemente utilizan cuentos interactivos para desarrollar la lectoescritura y el 75% afirman que la utilización de cuentos interactivos en el proceso de enseñanza de los niños con TDAH mejora su comprensión lectora lo que confirma nuestro objetivo de investigación. La propuesta que planteamos es que en el centro CEPALH se tome en cuenta dentro de su metodología habitual la aplicación de los cuentos interactivos para alcanzar mejores estándares de comprensión lectora, capacitando a sus docentes en la correcta utilización de esta herramienta.

Luis Fernando Vaca Reinoso , Efstathios Stefos, Sandra Elizabeth Mena Clerque


Refractory purification of contaminants from an effluent of the textile industry by electrochemical oxidation

Introduction: in the present work applies the advanced oxidation processes (POAs) with energy input in the refractory purification of the chemical oxygen demand (COD), dyes, heavy metals of a textile industry effluent. Objectives: the objective of this research was to purify refractory contaminants from an effluent from the textile industry, applying advanced technologies with energy input (by electrochemical oxidation) to minimize the environmental impact on water bodies. Methodology: for the study, a discontinuous electrochemical reactor of refractory transparent glass with a tank in the form of a cylindrical and lateral derivation, of a net volume of 0.865 liters was used in a potentiostatic mode of operation with different combinations of the electrodes. Electrochemical oxidation was developed with the arrangement of iron electrodes: two series, two parallel and the separation between 12 mm electrodes. This guarantees a treatment without using chemical reagents, using electrical charges through the proper arrangement of the electrodes. In the electrochemical process, oxiradicals are generated with an oxidizing potential higher than that of any chemical substance, breaking down the organic matter into CO2 and H2O. In this research, removal percentages greater than 91% were obtained in metals such as: hexavalent chromium, iron, and cobalt, 71.04% reduction in COD, 94.9% in color and 77.5% in total suspended solids (TSS). Results: the results obtained in this work managed to be within the parameters of the current legal regulations. Conclusions: This procedure demonstrates its effectiveness in removing refractory COD contaminants: dyes, heavy metals from a textile industry effluent, achieving a removal of 98% hexavalent chromium, 96.95% iron, 91.8% cobalt, 71.04% Chemical Oxygen Demand, 94.9% color and 77.5% SST.

Martha Mirella Bermeo Garay, Marina Chanena Alvarado Aguilar, Jairo Sebastián Mendieta Bravo, Daniel Alfredo Leal Alvarado
