Social networks and cultural identity: Analysis of its incidence on adolescents in Ecuador

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Luis Carlos Arévalo Cabrera
María Angélica Henríquez Coronel
Cristian Andrés Erazo Álvarez


The use of social networks in the new generations has generated that the behavior of adolescents has been influenced by customs far removed from their own culture, thus losing their identity. For this reason, in the present study we proceeded to analyze of this aspect in the first-year high school students at the Octavio Cordero Palacios school in the city of Cuenca-Ecuador. The quantitative, non-experimental, cross-sectional study used the survey as an instrument for collecting information from the twenty-eight participating students. The results showed that adolescents make frequent use of social networks, where Facebook and WhatsApp platforms were the most used, which exert an important influence on changes in the behavior of those investigated, distancing them from their own cultural identity. Given this, a didactic guide for the promotion of local culture is proposed.


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Arévalo Cabrera, L. C., Henríquez Coronel, M. A., & Erazo Álvarez , C. A. (2022). Social networks and cultural identity: Analysis of its incidence on adolescents in Ecuador. Explorador Digital, 6(3), 149-165.


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