Agricultural activities are a dynamic source of the Ecuadorian economy. In the canton Chambo, belonging to the province of Chimborazo, located 17 km from the city of Riobamba; agriculture, livestock, milk production, brick making and handcrafted tiles, are vital axes because they generate great impact on local and regional development.
The San Antonio de Guayllabamba Agricultural Association is an organization that has 65 families as active partners and is dedicated to the production and marketing of milk. Consequently, the Ecuadorian industry is characterized by producing raw milk, which according to the ECB (2016) in the last year obtained a 3.5% increase in the daily production of liters, ranking the Sierra region as the most relevant in this food sector .
The present project seeks to evaluate the feasibility of a milk cooling plant as an alternative for economic growth in the San Antonio de Guayllabamba Association, so that the unit economic indicators that allow the management of sustainable production and that at the same time are highlighted present time economic, social, technological and environmental requirements. Research is determined as explanatory, hypothetical-deductive, historical-logical and analytical-synthetic. Among the data collection techniques, direct observation and survey were used.
In the investigation process, Management and Business Development guidelines were considered, together with the Social Economy. In the main finding of the work it was determined that the milk cooling plant will help to increase the economic income of the associates, thus generating a positive behavior of the producers towards the economic development that they wish to achieve in order to improve their quality of life.