Investigation case-2019: food safety vs. handling-training in shops of a public university of Guatemala

Introduction: According to (ISO 22000: 2018 (Official Translation), 2018) food safety is related to the presence of physical, chemical and microbiological hazards and that they have to do with food consumption; Therefore, the handler must be trained frequently in order to prevent or reduce a danger of frequent contamination by Escherichia coli, which is a source of foodborne infection-ETA's and whose origin depends on good manufacturing practices. For this reason, this 2019 case article will evaluate, through the monitoring of food audits and sampling, how bad food practices can be reduced, validating the effectiveness of safety with frequent training for handlers. Objectives: Evaluate food safety in food outlets at a Public University, during the year 2019. Monitor good manufacturing practices of food handlers through training received. Validate the importance of food safety through training received during 2019. Methodology: Based on this, the population for this case-study considered the visits to stores of the Public University of Guatemala from month to month, being a total of 1529 per year, excluding stores closed during the scheduled visit; in these records, observational type parameters of place and handlers who attended were applied and for the taking of food sample, the one that they were selling at that moment was collected; later they were taken to the food microbiological control laboratory, in order to process them for the analysis of Escherichia coli; which was indicative of fecal contamination of human origin; in this phase the design is experimental and for its analysis the Excel program was applied for the interpretation of results, determining whether or not it was suitable for human consumption and with this it was compared with the acceptability values ​​of the Central American Regulation-RTCA. Finally, for the training of handlers, they were carried out between 1 or 2 times a month; according to the number of handlers registered and who have complied with the requirements of the Health Card and the Lung Card; as well as didactic resources were planned for the development of training, such as theoretical learning, approach, and resolution of problems. The evaluation for this training was defined based on indicators of good manufacturing practices. Results: 139 (100%) outlets were visited each month; finding only 108 (77.70%) open and 31 (22.30%) closed, excluding the latter for this case study. On the other hand, 1297 (100%) foods were obtained, of which only 767 (59.14%) were accepted and processed, for which they were processed for Escherichia coli analysis; which is indicative of fecal contamination of human origin and that these results showed that 722 (92%) foods were suitable and 45 (5.87%) foods were not suitable for human consumption; Finally, during the year, 18 training sessions were carried out and 397 people were trained, 155 (39.04%) being men, 242 (60.96%) women. Conclusions: The present investigation-case demonstrated the importance of visiting the stores monthly and that taking a food from the stores and processing it allowed to increase the frequency of the application of good manufacturing practices and that 1297 (85%) of 1529 stores were visited. (100%). On the other hand, this article demonstrated the importance of maintaining food safety in stores, since 767 samples (100%) were obtained and processed for Escherichia coli analysis; indicated that 722 (94.13%) foods were fit for human consumption and 45 (5.90%) foods were not fit for human consumption. Finally, all public universities are urged to conduct this type of research to maintain food safety for all their consumers and thereby avoid microbiological risk and danger.

Brenda Regina López Cárcamo


Temporary assessment of PM2.5 and PM10 particulate matter in the Metropolitan District of Quito – Ecuador

Introduction. Particulate matter is one of the most transcendental criteria when evaluating air pollution, due to the great diversity of sources that can produce it and the effects it has on health. Objective. The objective of this study was to evaluate PM2.5 and PM10 particulate matter in the hourly, monthly, seasonal, and annual time periods and the correlation with meteorological variables in the area of the Metropolitan District of Quito-Ecuador, in the period 2013-2020. Methodology. The database and meteorological variables were obtained from two monitoring stations, Belisario and Carapungo, which are distributed in the study area. An exploratory analysis and simple correlation were performed for 65718 PM2.5 data at Belisario, 66191 data for PM2.5 at Carapungo and 61152 PM10 data at Carapungo. Results. The results show that the Carapungo station has a higher concentration of particulate matter than the Belisario station. The PM2.5/PM10 ratio of the Carapungo station is 0.41 of anisotropic fine material, which compared to some cities such as Peru, Colombia, Mexico and Chile is similar. Regarding correlations, PM2.5 and PM10 present a significant correlation with temperature, relative humidity, wind direction and precipitation, but they differ in the two stations. Conclusions. It is concluded that PM2.5 and PM10 particulate matter in the area analyzed does not depend on climatic factors, but rather, it may be due to the specific topography of the area, which is characterized by being surrounded by forests, volcanoes, and mountains.

Franz Patricio Verdezoto Mendoza, Juan Carlos Muyulema Allaica, Héctor Ricardo Cuba Torre, Anita Karina Serrano Castro


Correlation between laboratory CBR, DCP index and physical and mechanical properties of granular soils

Introduction. The present study proposes the use of a simple soil evaluation test, such as the Dynamic Cone Penetration (DCP) and its correlation with the CBR (California Bearing Ratio), a widely known and used test for the evaluation of subgrade, subbase, and base soils. of and subbase, which is necessary for the design and control of the pavement structure. This study is not intended to replace the standardized soil evaluation methodology, but to strengthen the basis for preliminary pavement design. Objective. Determine the level of correlation between CBR, DCP and physical and mechanical properties of granular soils. Methodology. To conduct the study, field and laboratory tests were performed to determine the properties, for which thirty soil samples were extracted in the northern and central highlands of Ecuador. Correlations between these properties were analyzed using the least squares statistical method. Results. The granulometric distribution, consistency limits, SUCS and AASHTO classification, maximum dry density, and optimum moisture, DCP and CBR of the tested samples were obtained. With these values, several correlations of two and three variables between these properties were analyzed. Conclusion. It was concluded that there is a satisfactory level of correlation between several of the soil properties analyzed. The CBR-DCP correlation is not significantly acceptable, however, close CBR values ​​can be obtained by using other correlations presented in this research.

Favio Paul Portilla Yandún


Nutrient digestibility, blood biochemistry and performance of broiler chickens fed three sources of essential oils

Introduction. At present, alternatives to the use of promoting antibiotics are being sought due to their negative effects on health; an alternative is the combination of essential oils. Objective. To evaluate the digestibility indices, blood biochemistry and productive indicators in broiler chickens fed with three essential oil sources. Methodology. In the first part of the experiment, 1400 Cobb chickens five hundred males were distributed in five treatments (CP, CN, ACT, XRT, PHY), the productive performance and blood biochemistry of birds raised in cages with a cement floor with husk litter were measured. of rice reused from two continuous rearing without disinfection, in the second part of the experiment the digestibility of nutrients was measured at 21 days of age by the collection method. 240 selected birds from floor rearing were used, they were housed in metabolic cages and distributed in the five treatments, with six repetitions and eight birds per repetition. Results. There were no significant differences in the digestibility values ​​of crude protein, ash, dry matter, and organic matter among all treatments (P>0.05), only differences were found in the variables fiber, fat, and nitrogen-free extract (P< 0.05), there were no significant differences in blood biochemistry values ​​at 21 and 42 days (Cholesterol, Triglycerides, Uric Acid, Urea, Creatinine, Total Protein, Albumin, Globulin) among all treatments (P>0.05 ), there were no significant differences in the weight gain of the 5-6 week, the feed consumption of the 1-6 week, in the feed conversion of 1-6 weeks (P>0.05) only significant differences were found in the weight gain of week 1-2 and week 3-4 (P<0.05). Conclusion. The application of essential oils did not affect the blood biochemistry values ​​of (Cholesterol, Triglycerides, Uric Acid, Urea, Creatinine, Total Protein, Albumin, Globulin) among all treatments.

Paul Andrés Márquez Tobar


Intervention proposal: selective mutism in cognitive development with a fourth-year elementary school student

Introduction. A case of a girl of 7 years and 6 months of age, who presents difficulties in the development and learning, and problems related to the maturation area in her usual skills especially in language and communication, is described. Objective. To characterize selective mutism and cognitive development in a fourth-year student of Basic Education, through documentary analysis to create classroom intervention strategies. Detail the difficulties generated by selective mutism in behavior and academic performance. Explain the activities used in the classroom to solve the difficulties encountered in the case study. Being that, today, it is necessary to reflect on the social problems that exist in certain children, in the methodology a qualitative approach was used, while the modality was field, bibliographic, integrated the exploratory and descriptive levels, the techniques used were the observation sheet applied to the girl together with the interview addressed to the mother of the family and the teacher. In the result it is obtained that selective mutism generates a behavioral disorder that affects linguistic competence; in this regard, through the application of playful and dynamic activities, a positive reinforcement in articulation, rhythm, and speech was achieved; it also benefited in socialization, collaborative and cooperative work, promoting the best educational response.

Norma Viviana Paguay Chuqui, Erika Faviola Macas Gutama, Diana del Rocío Miranda Cáceres, Daniela Elizabeth Solís López


Gamification in the teaching of mathematics in children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorders

Introduction: the availability of studies regarding the teaching of mathematics through gamification in students with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is scarce. The present investigation proposes the bibliographic review of gamification as a teaching tool in mathematics with children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorders, externalizing the contribution within the classroom. Objective: the general objective of this work is to identify the contribution of gamification in the teaching of mathematics in children with ADHD in basic education from the review of scientific publications from 2010 - 2022. Methodology: the methodology used is focused on the meta-analysis of fifty-eight scientific articles found in different databases such as Academia, Base, Dialnet, Scielo, Redib, Teseo, Scopus, Redalyc, among others. In the same way, a hermeneutical analysis is shown regarding the following constructs: Gamification in the training field; Gamified teaching of mathematics in basic education students; attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in the educational environment. Results: the results of this research are focused on identifying the contribution of gamification in the teaching of mathematics in children with ADHD. Conclusions: finally, the conclusions are shown where it is stated that gamification in the teaching of children with ADHD has achieved fruitful progress in their learning, improving their motivation, concentration, arousing interest, becoming an attractive tool for the teacher, contributing greatly to the benefit of learning, since it provides opportunities that improve their academic performance to a certain point. Study area: Basic Education Sciences.

Johanna Vanessa Espinales Marín, Rubén Muñoz Pérez, Juan Pablo Garcés Acosta


University teacher training in the context of multicultural, multiethnic, and multilingual

Introduction: In recent decades, Indigenous and Afro-descendant peoples of Ecuador and Latin America have been making considerable progress in several issues that concern their quality of life. However, these advances are still insufficient in the field of education. In this regard, the training of university teachers is transcendental to achieve the educational inclusion of all students from diverse cultures. Since the teacher with knowledge of multicultural and multilingual context contributes to the acceptance of the complexity of each human being and recognizes that all educational actors are multicultural and can work together to achieve an intercultural society. Objectives: this research work is proposed with the purpose of identifying the university teaching role and its fulfillment in the face of the diversity of its students. In the same way, identify that andragogy is being used for the inclusion of the linguistic, cultural, social, religious, and axiological of the students. Methodology: this research was conducted through a qualitative and quantitative approach that allowed to appreciate the information obtained on the inclusive educational practice in institutions of Indigenous peoples. The research was based on the bibliographic and field modality with theoretical support and approach to the educational reality. The research work presents an exploratory and descriptive level. The techniques that were applied were the interview with a guide of ten questions addressed to twenty teachers who work in different Educational Institutions of higher education. Results: the results express that educational institutions can no longer consider as a compensatory education if it is not urgent to create necessary conditions for students from diverse cultures to have a type of learning processes relevant to their sociocultural reality. Area of study or branch of science:  Basic Education

Zoila Clemencia Guaita Lagua, Luz Adelaida Guaita Lagua, Segundo Fidel Guaita Lagua, Segundo Martín Guaita Lagua


Minimum procedures for verification of the cost of a professional soccer team

Introduction. The importance of transparent financial information and especially the verification of the agreed commitments in the amounts of contracts that are part of the costs of the sports teams of clubs that make up the Ecuadorian professional soccer championship of the first category Serie "A" and Series "B" which are subject to the norms and principles of the laws of the Republic, with its own statute and regulations, in addition to resolutions of international organizations that regulate this sporting activity at an international level (FIFA and CONMEBOL). Objective. The purpose of the investigation is to determine the minimum requirements that external auditors must consider in the audit process of the clubs that are part of the Professional Soccer League of Ecuador (LPFE or LigaPro). These minimum requirements will be related to "Reports on audited agreed procedures for the cost of Sports Squad and Indebtedness", as a starting point it is necessary to know the conceptual bases and phases of the financial audit, under the methodology applied for this purpose, it will also be described the minimum requirements in the field of financial auditing, as well as the structure of the working papers that the external auditor will apply for execution. Methodology. With the application of the descriptive investigation, the records will be analyzed, the composition of the administrative and accounting processes of an entity to be audited, and with the use of instruments in distinct phases of the financial audit, the auditor's opinion will be based in accordance with the international auditing and assurance standards. Results. It is essential to make the information of professional soccer clubs in Ecuador transparent, since in some cases it is observed that the management of the clubs by the administrators lacks organization and administrative and financial control, for which the level of control of the cost of its sports staff, which demonstrates the relevance of this proposal of minimum requirements that auditors must apply in the financial audit process. Conclusion. The minimum requirements to be evaluated by the external auditors efficiently help to obtain specific documentary evidence within the audit process of the financial statements, so that it contributes to the auditor's opinion.

Mario Roberto Altamirano Hidalgo, Fernando Javier Altamirano Hidalgo, Estuardo Javier Cáceres Hidalgo, Delia Angélica irado Lozada


Excessive use of preventive prison: a critique from Ecuador

Introduction: In Ecuador, pretrial detention is a distinction based on the seriousness of the crime committed and the type of prison in which the sentenced person would serve the sentence, since pretrial detention is a precautionary measure of a personal nature whose purpose is to ensure certain procedural guarantees; it becomes essential to conceptualize it. Methodology: It is a mixed type of study, it is qualitative when analyzing the social implications of the laws issued, both to sanction and to protect offenders and criminals; and it is quantitative in using statistics of previous cases and the times these procedures were applied, as background for future deliberations. The research is documentary, based on laws, regulations, sentences, descriptive, longitudinal when analyzing the progress and change of human rights protection laws. Results: An issue that we must consider when talking about pretrial detention is the principle of exceptionality; in our Magna Carta in article 77 numeral 1 indicates that the deprivation of liberty will be applied exceptionally and not as a rule. Conclusions: The accusatory criminal system has remained so impregnated with the judicial practices of the previous inquisitorial system, that there are still obvious lags that resist the adaptation of current laws, changes motivated by the inevitable social dynamics; this results in the incorrectly applied and as an anticipated penalty of preventive detention.

Boris Henrys Castillo Batioja, Carmen Elizabeth Arevalo Vásquez, Fausto Patricio Olivo Cerda


Violation of the non bis in idem and non-discrimination principles with the application of the constitutive aggravating circumstance to the infraction of numeral 20 article 47 of the COIP

This research work focused on the analysis of the violation of the constitutional principles non bis in idem (not being tried twice for the same cause) and non-discrimination, when the constitutive aggravating circumstance is applied to the infraction of numeral 20 article 47 of the Comprehensive Criminal Organic Code. Under this perspective, it is necessary to examine theories, concepts, law, doctrine, jurisprudence, among other documents that will allow to demonstrate the problem raised in this academic work. In addition, it is a topical issue since everyone prosecuted for an infraction has the right to the effective application of due process, so that the State, through its responsible bodies, guarantees the legal security of those who are immersed in this situation. This research work was conducted through a mixed approach: qualitative and quantitative; its level of depth will be based on the descriptive exploratory, contributing to the proposed topic. The methods that were applied were the inductive - deductive, analytical - synthetic and legal dogmatic. Data will also be obtained through the survey technique using the questionnaire as an instrument.

Cristian Eduardo Flores Vera, Daniel Eduardo Rafecas


The notitia criminis in the criminal process

Introduction: the notitia criminis is considered a fundamental aspect within a criminal prosecution, in Ecuador the infractions are classified as crimes and contraventions, being a challenge for Ecuadorian law, because the difference between the two must be understood correctly and legally. terms and as a consequence of the increase in crimes, it becomes a concern for the actions of prosecutors and judges by not making a legal distinction. Objective to analyze the assessment of the notitia criminis in the criminal process through the study of case number 23281-2017-01621. Methodology based on qualitative research, where within the general methods of science the deductive method, inductive method, analytical method and systemic method were used, while for the scope of the case study in the particular method of legal sciences it was used the abbreviated procedure (COIP) and the direct procedure (COIP). Results of the investigation based on the review of the case in which the person involved in the crime typified and punished in Article 189 ends with an order of deprivation of liberty for three years, a case that after the corresponding appeal indicates the nullity of the process ordering immediate freedom. Conclusions the prosecutor could not differentiate the alleged act of crime, giving as a result that it was a contravention because what was stolen does not exceed fifty percent of a unified basic salary of the worker.

Fernanda Misheel Bósquez Delgado
