Volumen Abierto (Octubre - Diciembre)

DOI: https://doi.org/10.33262/cienciadigital.v8i4

Published: 2024-10-05

Educational inclusion in technical vocational training

Introduction: Inclusive education seeks to ensure that all students, regardless of their differences, have access to quality education. In the Ecuadorian educational system this is an issue that is invisible and to change this reality requires the collaboration of educational and public-private units, teachers, families, and the community to create accessible and equitable environments. In this context, teachers demand professional training, pedagogical advice that contributes to the learning processes of students with special needs, so through this research it is intended to initiate a process of transformation in the academic processes of Baccalaureate in the Educational Unidad General Medardo Alfaro (UEGMA) of the province of Santo Domingo de Los Tsáchilas. Objective: Analyze the incidence of educational inclusion in the technical training of students with NEE and the professional profiles of Machining and Metal Constructions; UEGMA Baccalaureate Marketing and Sales. Methodology: The research was based on a mixed causal correlational methodology; the research focus is sized in two variables: educational inclusion analyzed in parents and professional technical training from the perspective of teachers. Results: the disability that predominates in the UE is intellectual, teachers need to update their training and continuous training processes that allow them to develop skills for the pedagogical process of students with NEE, parents must be an active part of the educational processes. Conclusion: to contribute to educational inclusion, professional training, strategies, methodologies, and training spaces are required, which are proposed in a teacher strengthening plan with a view to inclusion. General study area: Technical Baccalaureate. Specific area of ​​study: Inclusive Technical Baccalaureate.

Verny Felipe Resabala Lara, Washington Giovanny Basurto Macias, Amarilis Isabel Campoverde Moscol


Incidence of Educaplay as a gamified strategy in the teaching of metacognition techniques in language and literature for upper elementary school

Introduction: The integration of technology in education has significantly transformed teaching methods in modern classrooms. From this context, gamification emerges as an innovative strategy to improve student participation and motivation. Within this perspective, Educaplay is born as a versatile and effective platform for teaching metacognitive techniques in the subject of Language and Literature, providing a dynamic and playful environment. Objective: To evaluate the impact of using Educaplay as a gamified strategy in the teaching of metacognitive techniques in the subject of Language and Literature for eighth, ninth, and tenth-grade students in Higher Basic Education at the Private Educational Unit “Mena del Hierro” in Quito, Ecuador. Methodology: This study will focus on an experimental design that allows for the manipulation of the independent variable to observe its effect on the dependent variable. Also, a mixed research approach will be used, combining qualitative and quantitative elements to gain a comprehensive understanding of the phenomenon under study. Results: Three metacognition techniques “Word Search,” “Self-Reflection,” and “Summary Ideas” were evaluated in this study. The results showed significant improvements in all techniques in the post-test applied on Educaplay platform. Conclusion: The implementation of Educaplay as a gamified strategy has a positive impact on the teaching of metacognitive techniques in the subject of Language and Literature, proving to be effective and beneficial for students’ learning. General area of study: Education. Specific area of study: Language and Literature teaching. Type of study: Original article.

Dayana Magdalena Jiménez Díaz, Patricia Elizabeth Alarcón Iza, Jaquelina Edith Noriega , Virginia Sánchez Andrade


Effective instructional strategies to develop listening skills in adolescents with ADHD

Introducción: las interacciones naturales y la entrada lingüística comprensible son esenciales para construir condiciones atractivas para adquirir el idioma inglés. La exposición efectiva a la lengua, tanto oral como escrita, es fundamental para entender y producir un idioma. Sin embargo, desarrollar habilidades de comprensión auditiva puede ser un desafío para los estudiantes con TDAH debido a dificultades en la atención, el comportamiento y la cognición, así como a las características únicas del contexto de inglés como lengua extranjera (EFL). Objetivos: en este sentido, esta investigación tiene como objetivo documentar estrategias de instrucción efectivas para mejorar las habilidades de escucha entre los estudiantes de secundaria con TDAH. Metodología: para ello, se aplicó un diseño de investigación cualitativa exploratoria-deductiva a través de una revisión extensa de la literatura. Se recopilaron datos de 60 fuentes académicas y se analizaron mediante un enfoque neurolingüístico y pedagógico utilizando un método de codificación comparativa constante. Resultados: los resultados sugieren que, para guiar a los estudiantes con TDAH en el desarrollo de competencias de escucha en inglés, los instructores de lenguaje deben construir un entorno de aprendizaje que incluya entradas y contenidos simplificados, instrucciones claras, condiciones multisensoriales y una instrucción centrada en la estudiante basada en las necesidades individuales. Conclusiones: los entornos simples, ricos lingüísticamente, atractivos y multisensoriales facilitan el aprendizaje para los estudiantes con TDAH y pueden tener un impacto en su rendimiento académico general y en el desarrollo del idioma. Área de estudio general: Educación. Área de estudio específica: Inglés como Lengua Extranjera. Tipo de estudio: Revisión bibliográfica.

Isabel Estefanía Balseca Ponce, Diana Estefanía Ibarra Martínez, Jeremin Adrián Toscano Caisatilin, Paolo Fabre Merchán


Development of a methodological guide for the development of server-side applications

Introduction. In an increasingly digital global context, the development of server-side applications, known as backend, has emerged as a fundamental skill for those seeking to specialize in this area of software development. However, many beginner developers face significant challenges due to the lack of clear and structured guidance that encompasses the entire development process, such as comprehensive guides that outline the necessary steps to create robust, efficient, and scalable backend applications. This absence often leads to poor decision-making, which can compromise software quality, functionality, and long-term adaptability. Furthermore, critical aspects such as the selection of appropriate programming languages, the adoption of efficient architectural patterns, the choice of a suitable database, and the implementation of testing and deployment strategies are key factors that complicate the development process, especially for those without prior experience. Objective. The aim of this study is to develop a methodological guide that systematically structures the stages involved in backend application development, covering everything from identifying the initial problem to deploying in production environments. This guide seeks to provide clarity in each phase of development, facilitating informed decision-making regarding technologies, tools, languages, and architectures, while optimizing the efficiency and quality of the software development process. Methodology. The methodology used in this work follows a deductive approach with a descriptive and qualitative design, conducting a thorough review of specialized literature on software development, both agile and traditional methodologies, as well as case studies focused on backend project implementation. Through the analysis of these studies and practical field experience, a solid methodological framework was built, which can be applied in various contexts. Results. The research confirms that the adoption of a clear and well-defined methodology significantly improves the backend development process. Additionally, the integration of modern tools and frameworks not only standardizes development but also enhances team productivity, reduces errors, and ensures better handling of business logic and data manipulation. Moreover, the correct implementation of unit, functional, and performance tests improves software quality, guaranteeing stability and scalability. Conclusion. It is concluded that this methodological guide provides a solid foundation for the efficient development of backend applications, ensuring proper management of the software life cycle.

Byron Gustavo Loarte Cajamarca
