International Baccalaureate; opportunity to improve the teaching quality of the Ecuadorian education system.

This paper analyzes the importance of the International Baccalaureate (BI) in our country, clarifying contexts that trigger obscure programmatic interests or conclaves of ideal intellectual developers, also highlighting the values ​​implicit in this sacrosanct task of educating for life. Determine if the BI expands the possibilities of the teaching-learning process to improve the academic quality of teachers and students of the different educational, public and private units of the country, for the benefit of projecting high school graduates concerned with the environment, community service and sowing winds of peace, resorting to intellectual strategies of formation and minimizing the emotional part that provides multiple attachments to whims of race, religion and socio-economic conditions indilgated in unacceptable contemporary powers and discriminations, exclusively forming research professors, which allow freedom of thought, responses reflective to the search for national, local and international problems, with current information, exemplifying with their way of acting ethical and moral commitments in support of the international mentality of their students in order to find sources of knowledge that allow to relate the theory with practice, the sequential contents of training, the interrelation of curriculum activities, opening scientific debates in which students are protagonists of enriching their theoretical posture by identifying participatory roles in full communication of respect and opportunity for immediate response, stimulating students appropriation in an active and creative way of culture, of its autonomy and self-determination to achieve processes of bonding, commitment and social responsibility

Christian Rivera García, Freddy Antonio Romero Jácome, Martha Cecilia Marín Zambrano


La educación no escolarizada como nueva opción para el bachillerato

Non-school education is an educational option that today is becoming stronger in the urban area of ​​the city of Cuenca-Ecuador, it is usually aimed at those parents who choose to educate their children outside a public secondary education institution or private, known as family education, and for people who have not had the opportunity to complete their studies. The problem of the investigation is the lack of knowledge on the part of the society of this modality of study, and that is stipulated in the Organic Law of Intercultural Education (LOEI) of Ecuador. The objective of this study is to design an information and communication plan aimed at the inhabitants of the Octavio Cordero Palacios Parish, belonging to the city of Cuenca-Ecuador, on this new modality of study and thereby encourage the authorities of secondary education for its continuity in other sectors. In the methodological, descriptive research with a quantitative approach, supporting their information through the survey technique. The results explain that most of the population in which the surveys were applied do not know about non-school education and if they are willing to put into practice the fact of educating their children at home, they also know that this type of education is legal.

Kleber Antonio Luna Altamirano, Natalia Aguilar Aguilar, Jessenia Valeria Moreno Guanaquiza, Diego Alexander Santos Medina


Student overcrowding in the Unified General High School of the city of Cuenca-Ecuador

The Fray Vicente Solano Educational and Fiscal Unit is located in the city of Cuenca-Ecuador, considered an institution of great prestige and long history serving the student community of young Ecuadorians and foreigners. The problem of this research is the excessive number of students crowded into the classrooms of that institution, due to the lack of attention and control by the regulatory bodies of the Ministry of Education, which assign high numbers of students to the educational units, this brings negative effects on the academic performance of students. The objective of this study is to design an improvement plan that will benefit those who are educated in this educational institution. On the methodological level, the research is of a descriptive type with a quantitative approach, the same as the one that will apply the deductive method, for this reason surveys are developed aimed at both students and teachers of the campus. The results show that a greater interest and correct analysis by the Ministry of Education would reduce more quickly and effectively all the negative effects found, along with this, having fewer students in the classroom, there would be greater interest on their part to study, for this reason it is imperative to implement a plan for student improvement. With the elaboration of this research, the Educational Unit will be able to recover its academic level of excellence which has characterized it throughout its years of trajectory, forming students with quality standards.

Kleber Antonio Luna Altamirano, Brian Andrés Elizalde Cabrera, Nathaly Andrea Mejia Cañafe, Nancy Abigail Campoverde Campoverde


New teaching-learning methods through technology in educational platforms

The Educational Unit Luis Cordero located in CuencaEcuador today the educational community is guided by a vision and mission aimed at the formation of values to provide quality education and warmthfocused on the principles of good living media education today is essential for different learning processes are new technologies and teaching methods this is a pedagogical complement to the students undoubtedly this implies progress for educationas we must adapt to new changes in life.The problem of the investigation lies in the lack of knowledge in the educational unit "Luis Cordero Crespo"since some of them have virtual platforms to deliver their tasks or to carry out their respective trainingson the other handthere are institutions that are totally unaware of itfor that reason it has taken that they leave aside their virtual platforms without taking the due advantage of them since students do not know how to use a suitable wood since they cannot use it to check their grades or to receive homework for their homesThe objective is to raise a training plan to improve the use of virtual platforms in order to know each item that contains the platform and its benefits as it can help the teaching and learning of teachers and students of the educational unit "Luis Cordero"The methodology is descriptivewith a quantitative approachthe method applied is the deductivethe information will be obtained through the technique of the surveyThe result with the help of the respondents have shown the lack of knowledge of the operation of the platform where through video tutorialsand with the help of a good training where they can answer all the doubts so the educational unit Luis Cordero of the city Cuenca Ecuador has the purpose that teachers and students are coupled in the student platforms through the internet and propose new methods of teaching and learning.

Kleber Antonio Luna Altamirano, Erika Roxana Bautista Tapia, Gissela Nataly Rocano Pérez, Jorge Patricio Chunchi Zhingri


Charapa Turtles a contribution to community tourism and biodiversity conservation

In the last decade in the Republic of Ecuador tourism has been strengthened considerably and one of the beneficiaries has been the indigenous and rural communities through community-based tourism. This type of tourism has not achieved the goals for which it was conceived. The present study aims to demonstrate the problem of community-based tourism in a community in Yasuni National Park focusing on legal and economic aspects and the implementation of a solution through a proposal of a project linking academia, government institutions and communities, focusing on the use of a threatened species and taking advantage of its conservation program through tourism use. The methodology is based on a bibliographic compilation and the application of professional experiences and fieldwork with the use of interviews and observation. The main results indicate that there are serious problems in legal aspects and economic management; and, that the best option for implementing a conservation program is the Charapa species (Podocnemis unifilis and Podocnemis expansa). Managers are motivated to carry out training and strengthening programs that really focus on the weaknesses of the communities that carry out this type of tourism.

Carlos Mestanza Ramón, Marco Antonio Toledo Villacís, Angel Edberto Cunalata García
