La educación no escolarizada como nueva opción para el bachillerato
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Non-school education is an educational option that today is becoming stronger in the urban area of the city of Cuenca-Ecuador, it is usually aimed at those parents who choose to educate their children outside a public secondary education institution or private, known as family education, and for people who have not had the opportunity to complete their studies. The problem of the investigation is the lack of knowledge on the part of the society of this modality of study, and that is stipulated in the Organic Law of Intercultural Education (LOEI) of Ecuador. The objective of this study is to design an information and communication plan aimed at the inhabitants of the Octavio Cordero Palacios Parish, belonging to the city of Cuenca-Ecuador, on this new modality of study and thereby encourage the authorities of secondary education for its continuity in other sectors. In the methodological, descriptive research with a quantitative approach, supporting their information through the survey technique. The results explain that most of the population in which the surveys were applied do not know about non-school education and if they are willing to put into practice the fact of educating their children at home, they also know that this type of education is legal.
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