Didactic strategies based on LKT for the teaching of factorization
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Introduction: Didactic strategies based on Learning and Knowledge Technologies (TAC) involve an advanced planning of activities aimed at developing and reinforcing skills in the field of mathematics, specifically in factorization processes. Objectives: The main objective of the study was to determine the impact of TAC-based didactic strategies for the teaching of factorization in the subject of mathematics in the ninth grade of a public secondary school in central Ecuador. Methodology: The research focused on a qualitative-quantitative approach with a pre-experimental design and descriptive scope, oriented to a population of 28 students, whose ages range from 12 to 15 years. The methodological provision included the application of an initial survey; for which a questionnaire structured by 15 questions was used (3 multiple-choice, up to 14 options; and 12 multiple-choice questions according to the Likert scale, with 5 options); which was validated by experts and its reliability was carried out by Cronbach's alpha, having an index of 0.906. In addition, they were evaluated with pre-test and post-test tests with the aim of investigating the level of knowledge of the students in relation to factorization. After that, a satisfaction survey of the didactic strategies based on the TACs was used; for which the TAM model was used. Results: The results reveal that the didactic strategies based on TAC, as part of the Flipped Classroom methodology, improved the learning of factoring in students by 2.18 points. Conclusions: In the present study, various didactic strategies were identified based on technological tools applied to the area of mathematics, such as projects, problem solving, modeling, experimentation, games, ethnomathematics and workstations, integrated with tools such as YouTube, PowerPoint, Nearpod, Canva and evaluation platforms (Kahoot, Google Forms, Quizizz, among others). These techniques, together with the flipped classroom methodology, favored an effective teaching-learning environment. General area of study: education. Specific area of study: mathematics. Type of study: Original articles.
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