The self-concept and social skills of Psychopedagogy students (Technical University of Ambato) during the health emergency

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Bermeo Ochoa Joseline Andrea
Luis René Indacochea Mendoza
Gladys Alexandra Cadena Peralta
Melida Patricia Ochoa Guallpa


Introduction. In the present study it is highlighted that people strengthen their personality through their self-concept and the acquisition of social skills, components that favor the assimilation of procedures, the development of skills, and reflection, articulating conceptual, procedural, and attitudinal knowledge to cope with a changing world. Objective. To determine the influence of Self-concept on the social skills of leveling students, first and second in the Psychopedagogy career of the Technical University of Ambato during the Health Emergency. Methodology. This research has a qualitative-quantitative approach with a documentary and field bibliographic review through the application of the Test AF-5 Self-concept Form 5 and the Gismero Social Skills Scale. The RHO-Sperman statistic shows a slight inverse correlation between the Physical Self-Concept dimension and the Anger Expression area. Outcome. Chi-square approves the hypothesis: Self-concept IF affects the Social Skills of leveling students, first and second in the Psychopedagogy career during the Health Emergency. Based on the research, it is concluded that the students have a Medium Self-concept and Low Social Skills. Conclusion. The Department of Student Welfare is suggested to make use of it so that university students can raise their level of Self-concept and Social Skills, which will help them develop and function in different contexts such as: academic, social, personal and professional and so on. Meet your proposed goals in a specified time.


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How to Cite
Joseline Andrea, B. O., Indacochea Mendoza, L. R., Cadena Peralta, G. A., & Ochoa Guallpa, M. P. (2021). The self-concept and social skills of Psychopedagogy students (Technical University of Ambato) during the health emergency. Explorador Digital, 5(4), 44-64.


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