Title: Design of the cultural route “Maze of legends and traditions.”

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Arlette Arceo Martínez
Adriel Malvarez Cuello


Camagüey city have a great cultural tradition,that allows to take advantage for tourism developh, in the city tourism modality, like a part of cultural tourism. However, they have not been possible to conceptualize the historical-cultural values of the same one in an offer capable of potencializar their attractiveness and tourist products.This project propose the cultural route “Maze of legends and traditions”, based in first place in the smart use of the attractiveness from the city and it looking for satisfy the necessities of the segment of the demand objective. Using a Marketing point of view, the tourist route is designed, after analyze all of the marketing-mix variables (Product, Price, Promotion and Place).Also, this study contains and economic and environmental factibility analysis, and a proposal of strategical actions to do when the product will be launch to the market, in his first fase of life.


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How to Cite
Arceo Martínez, A., & Malvarez Cuello, A. (2021). Title: Design of the cultural route “Maze of legends and traditions.”. Explorador Digital, 5(2), 50-73. https://doi.org/10.33262/exploradordigital.v5i2.1652


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