Influence of tourist consumer behavior trends in the responsible development of the Holguín destination

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Elizabeth del Carmen Pérez Ricardo
Justa Ramona Medina Labrada
Noel Fernández Cueria


New trends in tourist consumer behavior have changed the way business operates internationally. Today, customers are loyal to brands that care about preserving the planet, local communities, and society in general. In this way, companies seek to respond to the growing demands of consumers, assuming social responsibility policies, understood as a new business culture based on ethical management, which can serve as a channel to improve the competitiveness and reputation of their businesses. Responsible tourism emerges in this context, which tries to offer an enriching experience to the client, at the same time that it corresponds to the new trends in consumer behavior. This type of tourism not only allows organizations to differentiate themselves in the market, but also to show a more humane image and obtain a reputation as a socially responsible tourism company, which can be an important competitive advantage. Holguin destination, of great relevance to the tourism industry in the country's east, has opted for responsible tourism as a development strategy, for which reason this research aims to assess the influence of international trends in tourist consumer behavior in the development of responsible tourism in the destination. To identify the main trends in the behavior of the tourist consumer from the literature consulted, a correlation analysis was performed and, in addition, expert judgment was used to determine the degree of influence of these trends in the development of responsible tourism. As a result, those trends in consumer behavior that influence good practices in responsible tourism in the destination Holguín were identified and the indicators that have positive results in the destination and the indicators that should be worked to achieve a total practice of tourism were analyzed. responsable.


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How to Cite
Pérez Ricardo, E. del C., Medina Labrada, J. R., & Fernández Cueria, N. (2021). Influence of tourist consumer behavior trends in the responsible development of the Holguín destination. Explorador Digital, 5(1), 133-151.


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