Physical activity in the development of students' self-esteem Uta college students

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Anabel Carolina Salinas Morales
Paulina Rosalba Paredes Bermeo
Ángel Aníbal Sailema Torres
María Belén Morales Jaramillo


The main objective of the present research was to determine the relationship between physical activity and self-esteem of the students of the Pedagogy of Physical Activity and Sports career, at the Technical University of Ambato, for which a quantitative methodology was used, under a non-experimental work design, descriptive-transversal cut, and a bibliographic-documentary research modality. The instruments in charge of collecting the information were in charge of the International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ), endorsed by the WHO which consists of seven items, and the Self-Esteem Measurement Questionnaire made up of 40 items, where these questions were directed to collect data referring to physical activity and self-esteem of those evaluated. The selection of the participants was conducted by means of a probability sampling by volunteers (322 students), who filled out the online survey while it was active. The main results show that there are no students with a low level of self-esteem, however, the medium, good, and elevated levels are predominant over the previous one, and in the same way, the predominant physical activities adhere to low physical activity and remain sitting on higher intensity physical activities. In conclusion, the proposed working hypothesis was verified: Physical activity does affect the selfesteem of the students of the Physical Activity and Sports Pedagogy career.


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How to Cite
Salinas Morales, A. C., Paredes Bermeo, P. R., Sailema Torres , Ángel A., & Morales Jaramillo, M. B. (2023). Physical activity in the development of students’ self-esteem Uta college students. Explorador Digital, 7(3), 40-58.


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