English language learning model using machine learning algorithms
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Introduction. The article demonstrates why some types of ICT can be considered Artificial Intelligence systems, how their introduction in the educational process affects the cognitive changes of the student and what role the degree of trust plays in said systems. The study aims to determine how artificial intelligence (AI) influences a student using information and communication technologies (ICT) during English language classes in higher education. The article explains why some types of ICT can be considered AI systems, how their inclusion in the educational process influences a student's cognitive changes, and what role a student's degree of trust in such a system plays. The scientific novelty of the work lies in considering the influence of ICT on the cognitive abilities of a student learning a foreign language through the lens of AI. As a result, it was found that the closer the AI capabilities in ICT are to human activities while working with a foreign language, the less the activation of cognitive performance in a student. Objective. To determine the characteristics of the influence of artificial intelligence (AI) on the student using information and communication technologies (ICT) in foreign language classes in higher education. Methodology. The study consists of considering the impact of ICT on the cognitive abilities of a student studying a foreign language through the prism of Artificial Intelligence. The possibilities of information and communication technologies are studied using digital intelligence in general and specifically, from the perspective of its suitability for teaching the English language. It is briefly reviewed, and some digital learning systems are differentiated as alternative resources for learning English. The work is based on the applicability of virtual linguistic interaction using in the information and education space: virtual teachers in the e-Learning environment, interactive agents (Chatbots) in the English learning process. Results. As a result, it has been established that the closer the possibilities of AI in ICT are to human activity when working with a foreign language, the lower the activation of cognitive activity by the student. Conclusion. Classical pedagogical technologies with the concomitant use of artificial intelligence allow the implementation of alternative learning models and make the transition from reproductive means of learning to innovative-reflexive ones.
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