Global method and learning of writing in children of the second year of basic of intercultural educational institutions
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The global method helps to understand the environment and improves communication in the student's socialization process. Therefore, it is important because it allows the student to learn to write and read comprehensively and expand their knowledge. The objective of this research is to design a guide of didactic material using the global method in the teaching and learning of writing with second-year children in the intercultural educational institution Escuela Fiscal 1 de Marzo, in the Santiago del Cantón Tiwintza parish. The methodology applied was with a quantitative, non-experimental, longitudinal approach. Among the results, it was obtained that both students and teachers are mostly unaware of the use of the global method in writing. Therefore, it was possible to conclude that the level of writing of the second-year students of the EU March 1, is at a low level, since there are deficiencies associated with the lack of knowledge of the global method.
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