Rupture of intellectual egocentrism. Interdisciplinarity in the academic processes of higher education

Currently, there are phenomena such as intellectual egocentrism that are combined to create actual transformations that have become an impediment to educational events. It would talk about globalization and internationalization, the karma of a whole path of conversions. The research objective is to establish the fundamental concepts, theories, and importance. For this purpose, knowledge of gear is required in all these processes. It carried the study out using descriptive and exploratory research, which supports the use of methods that consider the observation of reality (empirical). It is remarkable to mention that the hermeneutic-dialectical approach allowed philosophical support. With this data, it is possible to verify the triangulation of the information that evidenced the interdisciplinary work, and it identifies through a method with didactic procedures for the interdisciplinarity implementation in integrative projects. The reflection is based on the paradigmatic proposition in processes that must join now of the competencies' achievement of the graduation profile, but in this case, it will be by levels of knowledge at school, pre-professional praxis to the degree guided by the Integrative Chair, the teachers of Research Method, on vertical axes and critical thinking in each competence and learning outcome by training project. The conclusion is worth clarifying that the paradigms are in the unfamiliarity of processes and the micro curricular redesign. Policies are obtained in terms of the priority of the processes, the follow-up, monitoring of practices, and the link with society to achieve the competencies of the graduation profile of the career with the transversal axes implementing of the educational model with a focus on socio-training.

Ana Isabel Fernández Lara, Alexandra Wilma Paredes Guevara, Rita Patricia Pérez Zamora


Indicadores para el diseño de distribución de planta en MiPymes del sector Textil con un enfoque resiliente

Introduction. The capacity to respond and adapt to the risks and problems in an organization is critical for business success. Any type of weakness causes inefficient use of resources. On the contrary, flexible facilities can ensure the continuity of operations in the face of disruptive events, which significantly harm the company if they are not controlled. However, flexibility is not achieved only with the optimization of facilities, as resilient approaches can enhance it. Objective. To synthesize the variables and indicators with greater use in three different areas, business resilience, the textile industry, and the facility layout problem (FLP) in the textile industry. Methodology. The research is of a bibliographic-documentary nature. A systematic literature review was conducted, using the Fink methodology, considering 99 studies published between 2010 and 2021. The documents were analyzed using the Atlas.ti software; subsequently, a 4W (when, who, what, and where) analysis was used; finally, answers were given to three research questions posed through the PICO strategy. Results. The findings indicate that, there is a scarcity of studies about resilient FLPs, however, it is notable that the scientific interest regarding resilience has increased in the last six years, specifically in assessment methods and approaches to identify resilience factors and indicators in the industry through fuzzy mathematical models. Conclusions. Studies about resilience applied to FLP are not developed to a great extent worldwide, in the Ecuadorian context resilience has not been explored in depth. Eventually, the importance of indicators for an accurate model is highlighted and a series of indicators for the analysis of the behavior of facility layout with a resilient approach based on FLP factors is proposed.

José Andrés Albán Palango, Franklin Geovanny Tigre Ortega, Freddy Roberto Lema Chicaiza


Benchmarking in the marketers of Guayaquil. What would this technique be like?

Introduction. Globalization continues to be the phenomenon that most affects organizations, and for which they seek to optimize all their processes with a view to achieving profitability, therefore they must face the competitiveness of the markets and develop competitive advantages that allow them to achieve their objectives. and goals. Objective. Analyze the Benchmarking technique in the marketers of Guayaquil. Methodology. Based on bibliographic design, through bibliographic research. Results. The constant changes in the global economy, as well as the pinnacle of technology, force companies to look for alternatives that allow them to continue operating optimally and efficiently, for which they must adopt the implementation of administrative tools that contribute to the achievement of their goals and its good internal functioning. Conclution. There are various tools, which can be used to improve various processes, however, in this document we will talk about Benchmarking, which is a tool that is based on comparing the processes and/or activities of a company with others that have a high degree of profitability and acceptance among consumers. It is not about copying but about selecting everything that can work in our company in a way, which is why it is worth adopting the techniques and adapting them to internal processes.

Brenda Estefanía Marín Cucalón, José Domingo Choquehuanca Calcina, Claudia Patricia Bernal Luna


Inclusive education in Ecuador. Identification of characteristics in teachers

Introduction. Current educational models are characterized by being egalitarian and highly structured. The Ecuadorian educational system contemplates international inclusion guidelines; however, there are still teachers who do not have the necessary skills to handle educational scenarios with students with special educational needs. Target. Identify the characteristics that teachers of the Literature career of the Faculty of Philosophy, Letters and Educational Sciences of the University of Guayaquil have in relation to inclusive education. Methodology. A descriptive, exploratory research was developed, with a field design, not experimental, assuming the quantitative approach. The population was 39 teachers. For data collection, the survey technique was used, and a questionnaire was applied as an instrument, sent to the participants through Google Forms. Results. It was obtained that 43.59% of the teachers believed that they always care about continuous training; 48.72%; he only sometimes listens to his students; 53.85% investigate the needs of their students; however, 48.72% never propose individualized actions to address these needs; 69.23% always seek to defend the dignity of the human being; but, 58.97% never work spirituality. Conclution. The characteristics that the teachers studied have are: 1. they seek to defend the dignity of the human being, followed by 2. recognition of their own defects or shortcomings, and 3. their concern for continuous training. Of the twelve characteristics that an inclusive teacher must have, only three meet, consequently, a training plan must be designed and implemented in such a way that these teachers can solve these shortcomings.

Clara Cecilia Guzmán Jordán, Diana del Rocío Valle Gavilanes


Information and digital literacy: a look at the development of these skills in students

Introduction. Informational and digital literacy integrates multiple forms and languages of communication through instruments, with potentialities unknown until recently; That is why there is an urgent need to offer university students solid training in digital skills to develop important skills for their professional future. Objective. To identify the informational and digital competences of the students of the Literature career of the Faculty of Philosophy, Letters and Educational Sciences, University of Guayaquil. Methodology. It was developed under a quantitative approach, with a descriptive, exploratory methodology, with a field design, not experimental. The population was 120 students. For data collection, the survey technique was used, and a questionnaire was applied as an instrument, sent to the participants through Google Forms. Results. Regarding the dimension: information, most students have high skills to easily locate information, retrieve it and store digital information, with percentages between 80% and 80.83%. In relation to the dimension: security, it was found that they have a high competence in these issues; however, they showed few skills for creating digital content; and, for problem solving. Conclusion. Informational and digital skills constitute an important element to be considered as part of the training of future professionals of all careers. It is recommended to generate and apply didactic strategies aimed at the development of skills related to participation in communities and networks; creation and editing of new content, realization of digital artistic productions, multimedia content and programming, and identification of problems in digital resources.

Lorena del Rosario Yong Torres


Impact of the Implementation of the CIS/CRM System on the billing of the Empresa Eléctrica Regional Centro Sur C.A.

Centrosur replaced the commercial system SICO by Customer Information System/Customer Relationship Management (CIS/CRM), in context on the project Integrated System for Electricity Distribution Management (ISEDM), that involved substantial improvements in the model of its process and procedures oriented in the continue betterment, principally in the management of billing. In addition, through the methodology of an investigative approach of transversal character, applied to all the universe in two periods of similar times in the company, ex ante and ex post of the replace of the commercial system. On the other hand, the result ex post, show an increase in the customers, demand of energy and billing of 7,32%; 9,71% and 13,02%, respectively, that are not attributable to replacement of the commercial system if not to the own growth of the company. Along with, the mistakes in the billing were reduced in a 55,47% product of the replacement, confirming the main benefit, optimize the process and procedures of the billing area, which allowed to simplify, homologate, facility and systematized them. In conclusion, with the raised at the beginning of the program ISEDM, develop new projects and informatics solution complementary, it will contribute for the system CIS/CRM to shows all the benefits of the software and principally the business model that manages it.

Walter Fabián Castillo Cabrera, Gabriela Isabel Araujo Ochoa


Industrial energy optimization with heat recuperators and a regenerative organic Rankine cycle

In Ecuador, the industry for the extraction of red African palm oil in the provinces of Santo Domingo de Los Tsáchilas and Esmeraldas has grown in recent years with an average production of 19 to 25 tn/h of fruit. The red African palm oil extraction process is conducted by digesting the fruit in a cylinder heated with steam, where the digested fruit is pressed to extract crude oil and the press liquor is directed to the clarifier to clarify the oil. oil and subsequently dry it, therefore, the energy need of the industrial plant is high. The main objective of this research work is to perform the energy optimization of an industrial palm oil extraction process, using heat recuperators and a regenerative organic Rankine cycle. For which a mass and energy balance was made from the data collected from the San Daniel extractor, the Concordia, Santo Domingo de Los Tsáchilas Province of several months of production at stationary conditions, to quantify the residual energy generated in the process. Several potential points of usable residual energy were determined, which correspond to the purge of the boiler that has a flow of 0.592 tn/h, and a residual heat of 424.3 KW, the exhaust gases from the boiler chimney a flow of 10.18 tn/h and a residual heat of 1543 KW, the drying operation a flow of 0.244 tn/h and a residual heat of 211.1 KW, the digestion of the palm fruit 0.448 tn/h and a residual heat of 35.82 KW and the sterilization of the African palm bunches a flow of 1.47 tn/h and a residual heat of 1723 KW. From the data found, the simulation of four heat recuperators and a regenerative organic Rankine cycle was conducted in the DWSIM software. With the results obtained, it is concluded that through these devices it will be possible to generate a reduction in the consumption of steam produced by the boiler from 5.86 to 4.61 tn/h, and in addition, 227.68 KW/h of electrical energy will be produced.

Saúl David Valdez Rosales, Paúl Gustavo Palmay Paredes, Mónica Lilián Andrade Avalos


Feasibility study of photovoltaic systems as a source of energy: case Universidad San Gregorio Portoviejo

Introduction. Today there are many countries that are looking for alternatives to produce energy from natural sources and resources that, in addition to representing an economy, contribute to the reduction of environmental pollution, a scourge that is causing great damage to the planet and that has called the attention of scientists, governments and other world organizations that fight for the conservation of the environment. One of the energies that is gaining a great boom is photovoltaic energy, which is obtained through solar energy and through which electrical energy can be obtained. Objective. Describe the most important aspects of this type of energy, and the feasibility of its application as a source of energy at the San Gregorio Portoviejo University. Methodology. Descriptive, bibliographical, and qualitative. Results. According to the results obtained, the cash flow obtained after the initial investment is positive, which indicates that the project would be feasible, since the costs do not exceed the savings that will be obtained. Conclusion. Today photovoltaic energy represents an alternative to produce low-cost energy that does not produce environmental pollution, for which its use has increased in several countries. Although installation costs are high, it is an investment that will generate savings in the future and reduce costs in terms of energy consumed.

Johanna Saltos Rivera, Walter Navas Bayona


Learning styles in mathematics and academic performance of university students

Introduction. The study of mathematics in Higher Education is not always well accepted by students. There is a lack of motivation and a favorable attitude towards these subjects, which are considered complex, which has led to low results. The influence of learning styles on academic performance has been a controversial topic in research, which has shown different and sometimes contradictory results. Objectives. Determine whether learning styles in Mathematics influence the academic performance of university students, identify the most effective learning styles in this subject. Methodology. A bibliographic review was conducted through the results of a sample of eleven original articles, corresponding to quantitative research that dealt with learning styles and their influence on the academic performance in mathematics of university students in the last five years. Results. 72.7% of the studies considered that the learning style influences academic performance. The reflective style prevailed over others in 54.5% of the studies and was identified with medium and high academic performance in 50.0% of them. The theoretical style was not among the most used, but it was in 18.2% of the investigations, which also related it to high academic performance. Conclusions. Learning styles influence academic performance. The reflective style is the most used and it is, together with the theoretical, the one that best adapts to the effective forms of learning in these subjects to achieve adequate performance. However, they must be applied in combination with the rest of the styles for the learning cycle to be successful.

Fernando Ricardo Márquez Sañay, Paulina Fernanda Bolaños Logroño, Carmen Elena Mantilla Cabrera, Katherine Gissel Tixi Gallegos


Optimization of a prototype grain threshing machine with internal combustion engine coupling

Introduction: The thresher is an agricultural machine that cleans and separates the grain from the straw or any impurity, the analysis of the operation of the thresher prototype presents several deficiencies such as grain waste, inadequate cleaning, insufficient production, high vibration that displaces the machine during its operation, among others. Objective: Optimize the operation of the threshing machine prototype by analyzing the loads it supports and the behavior of its elements, thus allowing the development of a redesign and implementation of systems that increase its efficiency and productivity. Methodology: The methodology applied was experimental type where a redesign of the cleaning system, frame, shelling cylinder, and others, was developed to later conduct performance tests and an analysis of vibrations and productivity of the equipment that allow demonstrating the optimization conducted. Results: A beater cylinder was implemented on the axis of the shelling cylinder, in addition, the cleaning shoe was redesigned, increasing the surface to 139 cm2/m and the size of the screen holes was reduced to 2.25mm, the vibration analysis showed a reduction 38% maximum after optimization, grain loss was reduced by 22% and impurities in the final product by 20%. Conclusions: The general operation of the equipment was optimized, reducing grain processing times and increasing its production by 106.02% with a percentage of impurities less than 4%.

Edison Patricio Abarca Pérez, Juan Carlos Quinchuela Paucar, Bryan Alejandro Granizo Mora, Jonathan Wladimir Gómez Llamatumbi


Microcredits and their impact on economic reactivation in the Austro region six.

Introduction. Financial entities advance in their commitment to financially empower entrepreneurs who are people who, based on their own or another's idea, can create a business opportunity, in the form of a company also called a startup, often assuming a financial risk in doing so. His profile includes traits such as confidence in the idea, capacity for conviction, clear search for results, intensive dedication, and great commitment. objective. Study the impact of microcredits granted by financial institutions in the economic reactivation of the Austro region. Methodology. The design was based on the positivist research paradigm, with a non-experimental and cross-sectional field design, documentary support and a descriptive level. The sample used was addressed to 157 microentrepreneurs who have benefited from different lines of credit. Results. Among the most frequent results we have the microcredits destined to the reactivation of the business (39.49%), to new investments (21.66%) and to the diversification of the line of business (19.11%); These companies develop new products each time or expand into new markets. According to the surveys, 85% of the businesses that were supported with microcredits are applying recent sales policies in installments. The industrial sector that previously manufactured a specific product, today that same product, is manufactured in unusual ways and with different presentations, sizes, flavors, colors, and prices, based on the imagination and creativity that are maintaining the economy and improving activities, not only those that correspond to the productive function but also to the commercial function. Conclusion. The microcredits provided by financial institutions to different target groups in society are encouraging people to conduct entrepreneurship; thus, contributing to improve its sales and, therefore, to generate employment, include society and improve the quality of life of those who live in the provinces of Azuay, Cañar, and Morona Santiago, in the Austro region.

Edison Becerra Molina , Remigio Ojeda Orellana, Pedro Astudillo Arias


Optimizing the supply of educational material using an intermediary language in the training of university students for the teaching of English

The article is dedicated to the problem of improving the assimilation of theoretical material by university students in the framework of the educational process in an Ecuadorian university. Starting from the generalization of the experience of practical work, the authors examine the difficulties that arise in the independent study of educational information. To optimize the educational process, the main aspects of the structure of the presentation of theoretical material are determined. Research has been conducted, during which the advantages of using adaptive patterns with the use of an intermediate language have been shown. This work shows the impact of the use of didactic materials in the teaching of the English language in higher education students of the Escuela Superior Polytechnical de Chimborazo. For meaningful learning, some weaknesses have been observed as a framework not only for the teaching and learning processes but also for the selection of materials and their design. Finally, some fundamental characteristics that materials for teaching English in the field of science must have been described with a series of practical examples, which must be developed for learning to be more successful. The article reviews the main functions of the Didactic Materials for the Teaching of English and its importance in the teaching and learning processes as mediators between teachers and students, that is, a link is created between them. The teaching material replaces reality and tries to represent it in the best viable way, facilitating its objectification.

Zoila Victoria Herrera Andrade , Ruth Patricia Molina Mazon, Erich Gonzalo Guaman Condoy


Mathematical modeling for outlet temperature control in thermal storage tanks in the dairy industry

Introduction. In Ecuador, the dairy industry at a general level represents 6.1% of the activity in agriculture and livestock in the country. Regarding the consumption of fresh unprocessed milk, it is observed that around 43.4% of production is destined for final consumption, the remaining 56% for intermediate consumption, within which the production of dairy products stands out (89% of the total consumed). Objectives. Develop the mathematical modeling of the thermal milk storage tanks of the Tunshi Experimental Station of the Polytechnic Higher School of Chimborazo in the control of the outlet temperature in the cooling and heating process. Methodology. The determination of the initial temperature of entry of the fluid to the collection center was made with a value of 19.6 °C and 8 °C for refrigeration, the heating temperature was established up to 80 °C, the process was modeled Based on the energy balance and the simulation using the Matlab program (Simulink), worked with the 875-liter capacity of a vertical-type tank in a total time of 4800 seconds. Results. For the validation, three different behaviors of curves were determined both for the energy balance of the thermal tank, its transfer function in heating the milk and the behavior of both reception, cooling and heating up to a temperature of 80 °C. Conclusion. The behavior of the curves was evidenced and verified experimentally, validating the established modeling of the two different processes.

Danielita Fernanda Borja Mayorga, Mónica Lilián Andrade Avalos, Edgar Gualberto Salazar Alvarez
