Impact of the Implementation of the CIS/CRM System on the billing of the Empresa Eléctrica Regional Centro Sur C.A.

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Walter Fabián Castillo Cabrera
Gabriela Isabel Araujo Ochoa


Centrosur replaced the commercial system SICO by Customer Information System/Customer Relationship Management (CIS/CRM), in context on the project Integrated System for Electricity Distribution Management (ISEDM), that involved substantial improvements in the model of its process and procedures oriented in the continue betterment, principally in the management of billing. In addition, through the methodology of an investigative approach of transversal character, applied to all the universe in two periods of similar times in the company, ex ante and ex post of the replace of the commercial system. On the other hand, the result ex post, show an increase in the customers, demand of energy and billing of 7,32%; 9,71% and 13,02%, respectively, that are not attributable to replacement of the commercial system if not to the own growth of the company. Along with, the mistakes in the billing were reduced in a 55,47% product of the replacement, confirming the main benefit, optimize the process and procedures of the billing area, which allowed to simplify, homologate, facility and systematized them. In conclusion, with the raised at the beginning of the program ISEDM, develop new projects and informatics solution complementary, it will contribute for the system CIS/CRM to shows all the benefits of the software and principally the business model that manages it.


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How to Cite
Castillo Cabrera, W. F., & Araujo Ochoa, G. I. (2022). Impact of the Implementation of the CIS/CRM System on the billing of the Empresa Eléctrica Regional Centro Sur C.A. ConcienciaDigital, 5(2), 122-139.


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