Violence against women in the City Alegria neighborhood of the city of Loja

Violence against women has become a social and health problem, therefore, different actions are carried out to try to stop this phenomenon, however, it has not been possible instead Ecuador reports alarming figures of violence, for this reason , this research is carried out whose objective is to prevent violence against women in the City Alegria neighborhood of the city of Loja, through the proposal of a Social Work Program that makes families in this sector aware of the importance of recognizing their rights in order to generate a coexistence free of violence. The quantitative study is based on the application of surveys to 344 women from the Ciudad Alegria neighborhood of the city of Loja, the same ones that statistically analyzed show that psychological violence prevails in 55.52%, although there is no record of sexual violence in the sample obtained, but this result does not agree with the type of assessment they give to their family environment, therefore, the treatment that women receive within their home is considered as a routine or part of their daily lives. According to the results, women are aware of being victims of violence (99.42%), but they put up with it and allow the abuse of power by men and inequality between men and women to continue to grow and spread, actions promoted from the core family, due to negative reactions from relatives and embarrassment to society. Additionally, the main characteristics of violence against women are the reiteration of epithets that undermine dignity, contempt, and devaluation by generating notable consequences such as stress, anxiety, and mistrust of other people.

Alexandra Luzmila Ayala Erráez, José Alberto Rivera Costales , Jenny Irlanda Tapia Segarra


The communicative language teaching method and speaking in teaching English as a foreign language

Introduction. This research presents the correlation of the Communicative Method variables and the teaching-learning process of the ability to speak English. This proposal was applied to the students of the ESPOCH Maintenance Career. Objective. The level of influence of the techniques based on the Communicative Method in the improvement of oral skills was determined. Methodology. Two methods, techniques and instruments were used for the intervention. Through its application it was possible to obtain data with a high degree of accuracy and reliability. A descriptive and inferential statistical analysis showed a significant improvement in the ability to speak in English in the comparison between the pre and post test. For this test, a Cambridge level B1 test and rubric was used, to determine the qualitative improvement an observation guide was used. Result. This test instrument showed an improvement of 2.3 points in oral skills. When applying the T-student test with the data obtained, the change was ratified after the application of the project. The observation guide showed the bilateral correlation between the variables. All the results demonstrated the positive impact of the Communicative Method on oral skills in English. Conclusion. It was concluded that the project contributes significantly to the teaching of the English language and specifically improves oral skills. It is recommended to continue researching on this method to generate new knowledge for the teaching of foreign languages.

Luis Francisco Mantilla Cabrera, Mayra Alexandra Carrillo Rodríguez, Enrique Jesús Guambo Yerovi , Jimena Elizabeth Rivadeneira Mora


Exploratory analysis between predictive mathematical models, applied to energy production through time series

Introduction: energy at the present time can be considered as an essential element in people's lives, as well as in the development and progress of countries, the energy sector is strategic because it allows the operation and operability of the different sectors. it can be said that energy is indispensable in modern society. Forecasting or inferring what is going to happen in the future allows timely decisions to be made and to anticipate events. This is how it becomes important to know the production of the energy sector in the future. In addition, these predictions can be used as starting elements to generate documents such as medium and long-term energy planning. Objectives: conduct an exploratory study of the best techniques that could assist in the prediction of primary energy production in Ecuador, to evaluate the short-term adjustment efficiency through univariate time series. Methodology: in the research work it was possible to conduct an exploratory study of four predictive models in the energy sector of Ecuador, using two techniques, ARIMA and Holt exponential smoothing, which allowed a reliable approximation of prediction in the production of primary energy in the short term, in three years until 2022, using univariate time series. As for the methodological part used to meet the objectives, it began with obtaining the historical series provided by the Ministry of Renewable Resources and Energy in the technical document called National Energy Balance 2019, the data was processed and outliers were determined using the criterion de Chauvenet, once the database for the analysis was determined, the Box-Jenkins methodology was applied to obtain ARIMA and Holt models. Results: the model that best fits the prediction benefits of those analyzed is ARIMA Model-a (1,1,0) whose expression is: Y_t=3365.526+0.074 Y_(t-1)+ε_t, in addition, it was estimated that Primary energy production for the year 2022 in Ecuador could be 236940.541 kilobarrels of oil equivalent (KBEP), with a fluctuation above and below in the interval of [275511.589 .198369.493](KBEP). Conclusions: based on the data obtained, it can be stated that the predictive models found are strictly autoregressive, that is, they are explicit iterative methods, since they determine the value of Y_t depending on the previous result Y_(t-1), in which they do not intervene the residuals of the errors, this indicates that the component of moving averages does not intervene. The prediction with the first three models a, b, c resulted in an increasing behavior and with model h it remained constant.

Guido Javier Mazón Fierro, Pamela Alexandra Buñay Guisñan


Effectiveness in transverse maxillary hypoplasia with conventional appliances versus Hyrax hybrid: Review of the literature.

Introduction. The lack of transverse development in the maxilla can lead to aesthetic and functional problems in patients treated at an early age, such as in the late and early permanent dentition. Goal. To analyze the effectiveness in transverse maxillary hypoplasia with conventional appliance versus hybrid hyrax. Methodology. In the present study, a bibliographic review was conducted based on the collection of 100 scientific articles in four digital databases: PubMed, Scielo, Medline, Dialnet. 59 were discarded and 41 remained whose information was used. The search strategy covered the period from 2007 to 2022. Results. In most studies, it indicates that the rapid expansion of the maxilla (RME) anchored to the bone with mini-implants is associated with a safer opening of the mid-palatal suture, the orthopedic effects of a conventional expansion are lower due to the forces applied. at the dento-alveolar level, but not at the skeletal level and therefore an expansion with hybrid devices would be indicated, they should be placed in the paramedian areas of the median palatal suture. The hybrid hyrax minimizes secondary dental effects caused by conventional hyrax such as: excessive buccal inclination of the teeth where the expander is anchored, possible gingival recession, possible periodontal compromise, marginal bone loss and root damage. Knowledge and skill are necessary to decide on the design and type of expander that would be used when the patient is a child, adolescent, or young adult. Depending on the amount of force required to achieve the necessary orthopedic expansion. Conclusion. In rapid maxillary expansion (RME), better results were observed with the Hyrax Hybrid, with increased nasal cavity, maxillary width and less movement of the upper teeth in patients applied after pubertal growth, while with the Conventional Hyrax in preburial stage, taking into account the age and dentition in which each patient is, with the help of different diagnostic methods, favorable options in orthodontic therapy using at the right time.

Miriam Micaela Zambrano Mosquera, Miriam Verónica Lima Illescas


Relationship between higher education and the demands of the labor market

Introduction: In a social context, in which immediate actions are demanded from higher education that contribute to improving the living conditions of the population, but with an academy that barely responds to the needs of the population, intentionally isolating itself from reality, it is necessary make a substantial effort to evaluate the relationship between higher education and the demands of the labor market, trying to decipher in this way what has been the contribution of ESPOCH, as an institution of higher education, to productive development in an environment that, due to its sociopolitical situation, is highly conflictive. Objective: Determine the degree of participation in business by higher education graduates, to promote economic advancement, with the implementation of new ventures. Methodology: For this, research with a qualitative, descriptive, and correlational approach was proposed, an open survey was applied, via online, to which 89 graduates from seven faculties responded, the instrument was validated with Crombach's Alpha. Results: The data obtained was correlated using the Chi square statistic, based on several indicators, such as gender, the faculty of origin of the graduates, the time of graduation, the time of existence of the business, the affinity of the business with the career, the way in which the entrepreneurship was carried out, the support of the professional title and the generation of employment. Discussion: In general, it was possible to establish that there is no statistically significant correlation between aspects related to academic training and the labor market. Conclusion: It was also concluded that evaluation of graduates is conducted in compliance with a formalism and that a real commitment is required from the academy with its graduates to promote a productive development process in which real synergies are generated between the most emerging needs of the population and the educational scope of higher education.

Ligia Maricela Niama Rivera, Ana Lourdes Moyano Tapia


Education in times of the covid-19 pandemic and its impact on the development of social skills and emotional intelligence

Introduction. Education in times of the covid-19 pandemic has caused the change from face-to-face to virtual modality, which has caused concern among parents and authorities of educational institutions at a higher technical and technological level about the problems of academic performance of students. Objectives. The determination of the relationship between social skills, emotional intelligence with the academic performance of the students of Health Assistance Services, early stimulation, regency in pharmacy and physical rehabilitation of the IST Riobamba was conducted. Methodology. A descriptive-correlational study was developed between the variable’s social skills, emotional intelligence, and academic performance. The population was 64 students from the different careers in the health area. To select the sample, a stratified random sampling with proportional allocation was used with a confidence level of 95%, which corresponds to a value of z = 1.96. The data collection instruments used were the Arnold Goldstein social skills scale that contains 50 items with a Likert scale with the following categories: 1) never; 2) Very rarely; 3) ever; 4) Often and 5) Always, with six skills subdimensions: Basic Social Skills, Advanced Social Skills, Skills Related to Feelings, Alternative Aggression Skills, Skills for Coping with Stress and Planning Skills. To measure the emotional state of the TMMS-24, they contain three dimensions based on emotional intelligence: Emotional Perception, Understanding of Feelings and Emotional Regulation, each of the items contains a Likert scale: 1) Not at all in agreement; 2) Somewhat agree; 3) Quite agree; 4) Strongly agree; 5) Totally agree. Results. It was determined that 4.7% of the students have reported a low level in the HSB. Regarding advanced social skills, it was reported that 51.6% had a satisfactory level, while 4.7% had problems asking for help, participating, giving, and following instructions. 10.9% have problems knowing and expressing their own knowledge, understanding the feelings of others, dealing with another's anger. 7.8% have problems sharing with their peers and 6.3% have problems baking. Regarding the emotional perception of the students, they show that 45.3% have little attention, 50.0% have problems in understanding and 40.63% have difficulties in regulating emotions Conclusion. The results of the research indicate that there is a correlation between social skills, emotional intelligence and the academic performance obtained by students who received classes in the virtual modality during the covid-19 pandemic.

Luis Henrry Gusqui Cayo, Yesenia Dalila Amaguaña Huebla, Ana Cecilia Aguagallo González, Tania Leonor Parra Proaño


Proposal for a mobile application for access to geo-information on public transportation in Riobamba

Introduction: Public transportation is vital for cities because it allows better urban planning of the city, avoiding the growth of private transport and thus environmental and noise pollution in cities. However, the lack of knowledge of the operation of public transportation means that citizens do not use it, opting for private transportation. Objective: Therefore, in this study, it is proposed to develop a mobile application with georeferencing that allows easy availability of access to information on the public transportation service to users who reside in Riobamba city, province of Chimborazo. The application is under the Android operating system and promotes the use of urban public transportation through the help of GPS assistance in the geolocation of buses. Methodology: The development methodology used was MOBILE-D, project requirements were established through data collection techniques, and planned iterations were executed through the use of tools such as MySQL as a database management system, Laravel 8 as the back-end development framework, React Native as the development framework for the mobile application using JavaScript programming language, Google Maps, and Pubnub as servers in the presentation of routes, stops and buses on a city map. Results: For the evaluation of the system, the application's percentage of availability and the application's distribution were computed using the availability formula established by the Information Technology Infrastructure Library (ITIL), which imposed availability levels of 100% and 99.767%, respectively. The application was evaluated during the period December 2021 to January 2022. Conclusions: The developed application optimally achieved the objective of providing an information service of public transport to Riobamba's citizens.

Brando Israel Toledo Yanza, Gisel Katerine Bastidas Guacho, Jorge Alfredo Caiza Balseca, Patricio Xavier Moreno Vallejo


Prospects of university sports in ESPOCH: A strategy for its development and sustainability

Introduction. The factors and barriers that affect the development of the physical and sports activities of the ESPOC students require the concretion of a prospective, in which the dynamics to be achieved satisfy their demands and requirements. Goal. Reflect on the prospective of university sports in ESPOCH for the establishment of a comprehensive strategy for its development and sustainability. Methodology. A descriptive, non-experimental methodology was used in the study. Based on the historical-logical method and documentary review, establishing criteria regarding the prospective vision of ESPOCH to counteract the factors and barriers that affect sports practice in university students. Results. 1. The actions of physical and sports activity of university students, their factors, and motivations, which induce them to maintain a sedentary behavior and associated with the consumption of tobacco, alcohol, and drugs, must be known. 2. The strategies and programs aimed at the development of sports practice among university students should be directed at raising the willingness to conduct physical and sports activities. 3. The sports desertion of university students is influenced by physical, socioeconomic, and psychological factors. 4. The prospective vision should be aimed at eliminating the different barriers that threaten the normal development of the ESPOCH university student-athlete. 5. Apply a Comprehensive Strategy for the development of physical-sports activity, which eliminates the barriers that affect students. Conclusions. The prospective vision of university sports at ESPOCH, through the Comprehensive Strategy, is based on achieving the comprehensive training of students, in which physical and sports activities play a fundamental role, allowing educational, physical, and psychological development as complement to their training and improvement of their skills

Iván Giovanny Bonifaz Arias, Orlando David Mazón Moreno, Jorge Giovanny Tocto Lobato, Luis Gustavo Díaz


Analysis of the manufacturing process by reverse engineering process of a connecting rod of a 100-cc. engine for the automotive industry

Introduction: In the change of the productive matrix at the national level, regulatory policies are established where it is established that the vehicles assembled at the national level must have a minimum of 19% of pieces and parts of national manufacture. In this context, the fastest growing automotive sector is analyzed. Objectives: A method is established to obtain the parameters of a distribution system of the casting of a foundry of a head of a 100-cc. engine which optimizes the process. Methodology: To obtain the model with which to work, make the geometry with the measurements of the best-selling model and brand, taking its measurements through photogrammetry, forming a cloud of points and then generating a mesh and transforming it into a solid element through a mechanical design software to have the physical properties, the material that we are going to use is the 7057 series aluminum which gives us resistance properties and easy machinability in others. Results: The process of obtaining the parameters of the casting system is conducted until an error of less than 1% is obtained, to graph it in CAD software and export it to an STL format to be able to print the model in 3D and mold it. in our arena, considering that it is the most economical system. Conclusions: To obtain the parameters of the distribution system of the drinker, the measurements of this are 200 mm, the error of the data is less than 1%, obtaining a lower diameter of 7.98 mm and an upper diameter of 13.96 mm. These parameters are made for a sand casting which serves us for the complex shapes that the motor head presents, the flow rate of the process with which we work is 0.1217 kg/s, for 7057 aluminums, and the optimal measures are printed in 3D with a PLA material to get all the shapes we need for casting.

Edgar Fabián Sánchez Carrión, Edison Patricio Abarca Pérez, Elvis Enrique Arguello


Optimization of the casting process through the reverse and additive engineering process of a small displacement engine head

Introduction: In the manufacturing industry of parts and parts in the automotive industry, it has been poorly developed in our country, which is why government policies have been created such as the ministerial agreement N 14 264, which seeks to expand the range of manufacturing products. national for the automotive industry. Objectives: The objective focuses on obtaining the model and the parameters of the manufacturing process to obtain a model through reverse engineering; to achieve a high-quality and economically viable prototype. Methodology: The chosen manufacturing process is sand casting, which is a process that allows us to obtain complex figures with high quality and affordable cost, for this it is necessary to make the element, the procedure applied is a scanning process, which the result is a point cloud, to later transform to a mesh and obtain a solid element obtaining the initial characteristics of the process. Results: With the characteristics of the molding process, through iterations, having an error of 0.39% for a flow rate of 0.17285433 kg/s; And the sprue channel has a frustoconical shape having an upper sprue diameter of 16.73 mm, and a lower sprue diameter of 10.21 mm. Conclusions: We use additive manufacturing for the casting process once the values ​​described above were obtained so that the casting is optimal, obtaining an economic calculation so that our process is competitive in relation to quality vs. cost.

Edgar Fabián Sánchez Carrión, Edison Patricio Abarca Pérez, Elvis Enrique Arguello


Training of recurrent neural networks using the embedding dimension in the space the phases

A method is proposed using Recurrent Neural Networks for the prediction of chaotic data, applying Chaos Theory, to study the dynamic behavior of the data in the multidimensional space of the phases, establish the correlation of the same and determine the embedding dimensions as a basis for the training of the neural networks, as well as determine the dynamic characteristics of the system by calculating the Lyapunov coefficients and the Kolmorov-Siani entropy,  that tell us the degree of disorder that the system has, to project the accuracy of the prediction. Data on PM2.5 pollutants taken in the Historic Center of the city of Quito, at one-hour intervals, between the years 2005 to 2019, are used. The results determine that the data series correspond to a chaotic system (more than one positive Lyapunov coefficient), so the application of Chaos Theory in the analysis of them is justified, giving good results in the predictions applying the methods of recurrent neural networks of Elman and Jordan, when comparing the predicted series they are shown that they do not present significant differences between them,   nor with the measured data, using the method of variance with 0.05 significance, the percentage square error with respect to the range of variation of the data is approximately 5% in both cases. Objectives: To propose a method that helps the training of neural networks using Chaos Theory, by implementing the socket dimension in the space of the phases.

Nelly Patricia Perugachi Cahueñas, Mariela Micaela Moreno Palacios, Arquímides Xavier Haro Velasteguí


The brand "ESPOCH Latin American Polytechnic for fair trade", as a response to the consumer market.

Introduction: The tendency to improve social and environmental conditions on the planet has made possible the emergence of people with a high degree of co-responsibility in consumption, who are looking for products that are linked to socially and environmentally ethical production processes. Objective: To propose the analysis of the acceptance of the brand ESPOCH, “Politécnica Latinoamericana por el comercio justo,” which aims to measure at what level consumers are willing to accept a brand that reflects the essence. Methodology: For this purpose, a digital survey was conducted, a representative sample of polytechnic students was considered, the correlation of iconicity, structure, and incidence that the brand has implicitly with the level of acceptance was determined, independence of the variables used the Chi Square statistic, the symmetrical measures used to measure the strength of correlation were Pearson's Phi and Cramer's V. Results: These indicate the presence of positive correlation, with a low level of strength in most cases. This can be understood by the fact that fair trade is a new commercial activity, which determines the need to raise the level of consumer awareness. It is necessary to expand the digital channels, where the application of ICT can contribute to meet this need. Discussion: The language of the brand turned out to be independent of acceptance, it is usually subjective, and the consumer hardly stops to interpret the logo "it is necessary to understand the context of the meaning of the brand as objects endowed with symbolic meanings" Conclusion: From the results obtained, it can be said that the brand "ESPOCH Politécnica Latinoamericana por el Comercio Justo", has been accepted by consumers, but partially, it is subject to a process of recognition and validation.

Ligia Maricela Niama Rivera, Ruth Genoveva Barba Vera, María Lorena Villacrés Pumagualle


Mathematical model for the analysis of the thermal behavior in the welding process of a structural steel using software based on the finite element method

Introduction: A welding process to join two pieces of work with the presence of an electric arc is linked to a dynamical system represented by the interaction of two governing equations. Objectives: The general objective of this research was to develop a mathematical model for the analysis of thermal behavior in the GMAW electric arc welding process of a structural steel. Methodology: making an investigation of the descriptive propositional type, with a descriptive scope, a quantitative approach, On the other hand, the methodology of numerical simulation was used with the technique of the Finite Element Method (MEF) and the main instrument that was handled to process all the information collected was a CAE software (Computer Aided Engineering)."  Results: the approximate solutions of the interaction of the partial differential equation (EDP) of heat conduction and the Goldak mobile source equation were found, to present a proposal that ended with the analytical, descriptive part of the maximum temperature of the electric arc, the isothermal curves, and the Thermally Affected Zone (ZAT) of a virtual specimen for a given time. For the theoretical validation of the proposed model, another CAE software was used. Conclusions: it is concluded that the mathematical model developed is efficient and valid since for a specific time the relative errors of 2.43% and 1.01% were obtained when comparing the maximum temperatures of the cord and the useful length of the ZAT, respectively.

Mayra Elizabeth Villacís Ramón, Jorge Luis Yaulema Castaneda


Tax unconstitutionality of executive decree No. 298 reduction of the tax on foreign currency outflows

Introduction. Throughout life, people have had to pay taxes, the government oversees regulating and establishing mandates that must be fulfilled under the demands of society and one of these is taxes. Objective. Analyze the unconstitutionality of Executive Decree No. 298 regarding the reduction of the Foreign Currency Outflow Tax. Methodology. A methodology with bibliographic design supported by a bibliographic review is applied. Results. Ecuador has extensive regulations that regulate the functioning of the State. According to what is established in Article 425 of the Constitution of the Republic approved in 2008, the hierarchical order of application of the norms is as follows: Constitution; international treaties and conventions; organic laws; ordinary laws; regional regulations and district ordinances; decrees and regulations; ordinances; agreements and resolutions; and other acts and decisions of the public authorities The ISD holds the third place as the tax with the highest collection in the country after the Value Added Tax and the Income Tax. The ISD is a tax that was created to regularize the flow of capital, so that capital does not flow excessively outside the country. Conclusion. Executive decree No. 298 and the law for productive promotion, investment attraction, employment generation, suffer from fundamental unconstitutionality, undermine the constitutional hierarchy of current legal instruments. In the same way, since both legal manifestations are in force regarding the Tax on the outflow of foreign currency through the legal principle of presumption of legitimacy. The tax regulations violate the constitutional guarantee of legal security in deterioration of the supreme client: the Ecuadorian people.

José Luis Vásconez Fuentes , Renato Estuardo Paredes Cruz, Mayra Paola Cortez Ocaña


The simplified stock company "SAS", within the context of contractualization between spouses in Ecuador

Introduction. The SAS are a type of commercial company that is constituted by one or several natural or legal persons, through a simplified procedure at no cost. Its objective is to promote the economy through the formalization of enterprises, constituting them as subjects of credit and thereby expanding their production processes. Objective. It is intended to address the simplified stock company "SAS", within the context of contractualization between spouses in Ecuador. Methodology. A methodology based on a documentary-type bibliographic design was applied. Results. The consequent start of activities of the SAS to the Ecuadorian regulation from a positive angle holds a legal tool where small and medium-sized entrepreneurs, and even large entrepreneurs have an instrument that, based on the principle of autonomy of the will, consents to the actions in a community structured in favor of its economic interests, over time it will be possible to give a real analysis in relation to the practical benefit. Conclution. Simplified share companies represent a milestone in contractualization between spouses in Ecuador, first of all, due to the ease of additional incorporation and zero operating costs, in parallel with the flexibility of formalities, which makes it very attractive. Comparably, the possibility of covering family assets with limited liability is a very important factor to consider, especially at the precise moment when the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic have severely affected the national economy and where the assets of participants in marital partnerships are at serious risk of seizure.

José Luis Vásconez Fuentes , Lorena Alexandra Jaramillo Rubio, Mayra Paola Cortez Ocaña


Problems of economic geology in mining projects

Economic geology must relate all the mining potential through current and new studies, carried out by national institutes, and locate these in international markets in order to leverage the economy, where this year a continuous advance is expected in the contribution of the GDP from 1.5% to 4%, only with mining development. In recent years, artisanal mining and small and medium mining have contributed significantly to the economy of the state. As of 2019, the mega projects enter with a greater organization and therefore with a greater financial contribution, having a positive impact on the development of Ecuador. However, it has a series of weaknesses that must be solved over time, which are: the lack of knowledge in the production scales of the industries, the lack of ownership of the projects and public institutions, the lack of integration from the exploration, mining, benefit and commercialization and the lack of strategic organization of the promoters, which must be considered to achieve the sustainability of the different projects. There are a series of large mining projects that have been carried out through alliances between the Ecuadorian government and countries with large mining development, many of them already in the execution stage, others in exploration. In execution are the so-called Fruta del Norte and Mirador, in the south of the country, by 2023 the Loma Larga, Curipamba and La Plata projects would come into operation, while by 2025 the Cascabel project is expected to start. These projects require the training of personnel in the area of geology, mining and metallurgical, which allow them to face such projects with trained personnel.

Lissette Fernanda Alvarado Barrera, Ricardo Andrés Sánchez Carrillo, Renato Estuardo Paredes Cruz


Estimation of the Biochemical Oxygen Demand (DBO5), in wastewater of the jeans companies of the city of Pelileo using artificial neural networks

Introduction. Within artificial intelligence, the use of artificial neural networks is becoming increasingly important. Objective. Estimate the error of the Biochemical Oxygen Demand in wastewater from laundries of jeans of the city of Pelileo using neural networks. Methods. First, a database consisting of six physical parameters, nine chemical parameters and an output variable was developed. These variables were selected using the TUSLA Standard and were compiled from the cadastre of the GAD Pelileo of the years 2017-2018 and a certified water analysis laboratory. Next, the Matlab software was used with the design of the Artificial Neural Network FeedForward Backpropagation with the input layer of fifteen variables. The first hidden layer had ten neurons, the second summatory layer with one neuron and the output layer with the response variable corresponding to the estimation of the Biochemical Oxygen Demand with the Levenberg-Marquardt learning algorithm. Results. Values of the correlation coefficient, the estimated network error, and the comparison of the Tukey Test were obtained, susch as: 0.98081; 0.8890; 0.9833. These figures reveal a concordance between the values estimated by the network and the actual values. Finally, the results showed that Biochemical Oxygen Demand was estimated numerically in wastewater through neural models. This type of model of neurons represents only part of the mathematical function that the network builds from the set of observations.

Yesenia Esthefania Pillapa Vargas, Manolo Alexander Córdova Suárez, Daniel Alfonso Cabrera Valle
