The new governance management for state public institutions

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Andrés Gustavo Loza Torres
Andrea del Pilar Ramírez Casco


Institutions are entities that contain rules for the development of societies and allow coexistence between individuals. These are established to govern social behavior and for which their compliance seeks to obtain the best results. The objective of this research is to analyze the new governance management for public institutions of the State. The methodological design is bibliographic documentary. As a conclusion, it can be indicated that to achieve the success of governance in public institutions, there must be important links between the government, society and other social actors that allow meeting the needs presented by each of the participants. Likewise, public institutions with greater transparency tend to obtain more support from society, since they feel that they are taken care of and considered and thus fulfill their responsibilities regarding the payment of taxes that are destined to the improvement of public services. In the same way, good governance management allows citizens to take part in the decisions, and the government knows that the economic resources used are reduced, so they try to use them in a measured way and cover necessary expenses


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How to Cite
Loza Torres, A. G., & Ramírez Casco, A. del P. (2022). The new governance management for state public institutions . ConcienciaDigital, 5(3.1), 200-216.


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