The communicative language teaching method and speaking in teaching English as a foreign language

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Luis Francisco Mantilla Cabrera
Mayra Alexandra Carrillo Rodríguez
Enrique Jesús Guambo Yerovi
Jimena Elizabeth Rivadeneira Mora


Introduction. This research presents the correlation of the Communicative Method variables and the teaching-learning process of the ability to speak English. This proposal was applied to the students of the ESPOCH Maintenance Career. Objective. The level of influence of the techniques based on the Communicative Method in the improvement of oral skills was determined. Methodology. Two methods, techniques and instruments were used for the intervention. Through its application it was possible to obtain data with a high degree of accuracy and reliability. A descriptive and inferential statistical analysis showed a significant improvement in the ability to speak in English in the comparison between the pre and post test. For this test, a Cambridge level B1 test and rubric was used, to determine the qualitative improvement an observation guide was used. Result. This test instrument showed an improvement of 2.3 points in oral skills. When applying the T-student test with the data obtained, the change was ratified after the application of the project. The observation guide showed the bilateral correlation between the variables. All the results demonstrated the positive impact of the Communicative Method on oral skills in English. Conclusion. It was concluded that the project contributes significantly to the teaching of the English language and specifically improves oral skills. It is recommended to continue researching on this method to generate new knowledge for the teaching of foreign languages.


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How to Cite
Mantilla Cabrera, L. F., Carrillo Rodríguez, M. A., Guambo Yerovi , E. J., & Rivadeneira Mora, J. E. (2022). The communicative language teaching method and speaking in teaching English as a foreign language. ConcienciaDigital, 5(3.1), 43-56.


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