Graphic organizers to empower the teaching-learning process of grammar tenses in higher education

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Jazmín Marisol Medina
Jazmina Ivonne Mena Mayorga


Introduction. The English language is a mandatory subject in elementary, secondary, and higher education in Ecuador. To become proficient, a broad knowledge of grammar is needed because it is considered the backbone of a language. Objective. This research aims to implement graphic organizers in the teaching-learning process of grammar tenses. Methodology. This inquiry took place at a university of Riobamba with a target population of 62 A2 level students. A quasi-experimental research, was carried out with 31 students that were the experimental group and the same number of students as the control group. A pre-test was applied to both groups to evaluate their grammar skills. After that, both groups were given a post-test to determine if the graphic organizers implemented made any improvement on the students’ performance regarding grammar tenses. Results. The post-test results demonstrated that the competence of the experimental group students has been enhanced after implementing graphic organizers. Conclusion. The students were able to clear up their ideas and to establish better relationships between graphical and cognitive demands.


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Medina, J. M., & Mena Mayorga, J. I. (2021). Graphic organizers to empower the teaching-learning process of grammar tenses in higher education . Ciencia Digital, 5(3), 6-19.


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