La autoestima, la autonomía y el apoyo a las necesidades psicológicas básicas en personas con discapacidad visual La autoestima, la autonomía y el apoyo a las necesidades psicológicas básicas en personas con discapacidad visual

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Julio Alfonso Mocha Bonilla
Yury Rosales Ricardo
Carmen Dolores Chávez Fuente
Ximena Cumandá Miranda López


The social and sporting inclusion of people with blindness is a topical issue in the world of sport. The aim of this study was to analyses self-esteem, autonomy and support for basic psychological needs in sport. For this purpose, a quasi-experimental methodology was designed, with a pre and posttest study. It was applied in Canton Ambato and was carried out with 40 participants with total visual disability, using a differentiated sports training (EDD). A sports plan was presented to work with people with blindness, applying training loads, the training loads present different demands according to the psychic possibilities of the athlete, based on the above, the intervention and planning of differentiated training was structured on the basis of two well-defined aspects: firstly, differentiated sports training and secondly the psychological aspect. Those involved were submitted to the model of sports-psychological intervention, which lasted 11 months. All analyses were carried out using the applications of the statistical package SPSS 22. The results obtained in the experimental group show significant improvements in the scores of the three indicators, it is concluded that the psychological effects can be perceived in a mediate way. In this sense, to the extent that the person with blindness perceives that he or she can perform new physical exercises autonomously, without the need for a sports guide, he or she has a greater perception of competence and autonomy in the sports field.


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How to Cite
Mocha Bonilla, J. A., Rosales Ricardo, Y., Chávez Fuente, C. D., & Miranda López, X. C. (2019). La autoestima, la autonomía y el apoyo a las necesidades psicológicas básicas en personas con discapacidad visual: La autoestima, la autonomía y el apoyo a las necesidades psicológicas básicas en personas con discapacidad visual. Ciencia Digital, 3(2.5), 120-133.


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