Didactic proposal using the digital tool Nearpod for teaching graphemes
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Introduction: Written communication is important so that human beings can understand and expand their knowledge; that is the importance of using graphemes correctly so that the message can be understood effectively. The incorporation of ICT in formal education is considered extremely relevant to enrich the learning developed in the so-called knowledge society. From the use of certain digital tools, such as Nearpod, digital educational proposals can be developed that allow the enrichment of students' learning. Objective: Improve the learning of certain graphemes by 8th year students at a public school in Ecuador through the design of a gamification proposal with the use of the digital tool Nearpod. Methodology: The research adopted a mixed perspective recovering contributions from qualitative and quantitative approaches. The research was conducted with two information collection techniques: observation and survey. Using the information obtained, an initial diagnosis was made to know the difficulties that the students presented in relation to the use of graphemes. An anecdotal record was also prepared, based on class observation, which allowed the diagnosis to be expanded. The analysis of the information collected (from 104 students and 5 teachers in the thematic area) allowed the design of the didactic proposal built using the Nearpod digital tool. Results: The results obtained in the research through the application of the gamification proposal show that 90% of the sample improved the use of graphemes. It was concluded that Nearpod is an excellent digital tool to develop didactic proposals, in the context of the research conducted, to develop proposals that tend to improve the use of the graphemes B, V, S, C, G, J and H. This digital tool allowed students to learn interactively with various gamification activities that helped consolidate knowledge. Conclusion: It is concluded that digital tools enrich the teaching and learning processes of certain contents, in this case, the graphemes of the Spanish language; They can be integrated into various proposals that are designed in the educational context aimed at promoting new higher-order cognitive skills. General study area: Language and Literature. Specific area of study: Graphemes B, V, S, C, G, J and H.
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