Relative analysis to identify the causes of delays in construction works. Cuenca-Ecuador case study
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Introduction. The delay in construction works is one of the biggest problems that affect this industry, giving rise to cost overruns and exceeding initial estimates of time with direct repercussions on the schedules, which can lead to more serious problems such as disputes, legal actions and abandonment of the draft. Objective. Determine the potential factors that cause construction delays during the project execution stages and provide actionable recommendations as a tool to minimize repercussions and optimize time and resources. Methodology. The technique used in this study was convenience or snowball sampling, which belongs to the class of non-probabilistic sampling techniques, the sample elements are identified for convenience and through reference networks. A questionnaire was developed to assess contractors' perceptions of the relative importance of causes of delay in the construction industry and the most important delay factors were determined using the Relative Importance Index (RII) method. Results. The result determines that incorrect planning, financing and payments for finished work by the client, lack of communication between the parties, inadequate experience of the contractor and slow decision-making on the part of the owners, are among the first important causes of delays. Conclution. By clearly identifying the factors that cause delays in projects, the corresponding recommendations are obtained to reduce the impacts that these generate and so that professionals in the branch can better understand the dynamics of project management in construction.
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