Introduction. The psychosocial factors existing within the work environment are diverse and are made up of aspects such as the physical environment, institutional structure and interpersonal relationships in organizations. Objective. to identify the psychosocial factors that affect employees in a food processing company in the city of Cuenca, in the areas of administration, storage and delivery. Methodology. A cross-sectional, quantitative, descriptive study was carried out by applying the CoPsoQ-istas21 version 2 questionnaire; the number of respondents (44) was determined by means of the sampling form (Krejcie and Morgan). Work variables such as working hours, health, position, salary recognition and demographics such as sex and age were used. Data were collected through spreadsheets and analyzed through the SPSS version 26 statistical software. Results. Job satisfaction is highest among those over 45 years of age, with 43.75% very satisfied. In general, there is a positive trend toward job satisfaction in all age groups. Conclusion. In summary, the data suggest that job satisfaction tends to increase with age, being more pronounced among those over 45 years of age. However, in general, the majority of respondents, regardless of age, are satisfied or very satisfied with their jobs, indicating a generalized level of job satisfaction.