Environmental impact of industrial machining processes by chip removal with parallel lathes through innovative methods: a state-of-the-art review

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Luis Stalin López Telenchana
Cynthia Magali Estrada Hernández
Marcus Damiano Jurado Robayo
Gerardina Rosario Valdez Muñoz


Introduction: Metal machining by chip removal is the fundamental technique in the manufacturing industry, with turning being the most common traditional machining process, where material is removed from a piece through the application of mechanical energy. Like any manufacturing technique, chip removal machining produces different wastes or also called by-products such as: base metal chips, coolant fluid, lubricating oil, metal dust and excessive use of energy, these wastes have important consequences for the environment, so the methodologies to evaluate environmental impact make these traditional processes sustainable. Objective: The present study aims to investigate how technological innovations can reduce the environmental impact of industrial machining processes by chip removal with parallel lathes. Methodology: The methodology in structuring this research corresponds to an exhaustive review of the literature, selecting recent high-impact studies through recognized academic databases. Results: The findings of this study highlight that dry machining is emerging as a key technique to eliminate the need for liquid coolants, thereby addressing the environmental challenges associated with their disposal and reducing exposure to potentially harmful substances. Microspraying (MQL) is identified as an effective strategy to reduce lubricant usage, minimizing contamination and operating costs while maintaining machining efficiency. In addition, cryogenic cooling stands out for its ability to improve the hardness and wear resistance of cutting tools. Conclusions: It was concluded that integrating innovative technologies such as cryogenic refrigeration and MQL in the manufacturing sector not only improves its environmental sustainability but also its economic competitiveness, representing significant steps towards reducing the adverse environmental impacts of manufacturing.


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How to Cite
López Telenchana, L. S., Estrada Hernández, C. M., Jurado Robayo, M. D., & Valdez Muñoz, G. R. (2024). Environmental impact of industrial machining processes by chip removal with parallel lathes through innovative methods: a state-of-the-art review. ConcienciaDigital, 7(2), 126-140. https://doi.org/10.33262/concienciadigital.v7i2.2993


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